About the author:
Dіchko D. V., Dichko V. V., Vasilevsky V. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
When deciding the question about the adaptive-compensatory stress of the body of children with visual pathology associated with partial or complete loss, it was reasonable to assume that the regulatory role of the organism in them plays an important role: immune, nervous and endocrine. The human immune system protects the body from substances or living organisms (microorganisms), cells, including tumors, tissues that bear the signs of genetic alienation, that is, it carries out immunological surveillance of the genetic purity of the organism, including oncogenic surveillance in the human body. By origin, immunity is divided into an innate (hereditary, species), and acquired (adaptive) specific. The aim of the work was to determine the general immunological reactivity of the organism in children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision. The object and methods of research. The bases for the study were: specialized secondary school № 23 for (director Kotlyarov MV), Slavyansk and secondary school № 17, Slavic Donetsk region. The study was conducted in 31 children aged 7-10 years with vision pathology (14 boys and 17 girls). As a control group, similar studies were conducted on 30 practically healthy peers (15 boys and 15 girls). In children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision, the ratio of lymphocytes and eosinophils is reduced by 15.35%, which reflects the ratio of immediate and delayed hypersensitivity processes. In children aged 7-10 years with visual pathology, the hypersensitivity of the delayed type is prevalent, which is confirmed by the tendency of children with visual pathology to decrease the index of allergy – by 13.16%, which leads to a decrease in the ratio of the relative number of agranulocytes and the ESR – by 10.56% and an increase in the ratio of neutrophil granulocytes and monocytes. Immune-hematological parameters of peripheral blood, characterizing the state of the general immunological reactivity of the organism in children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision, differ little between the indicators by gender. In boys aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision, the higher index of the ratio of lymphocytes and eosinophils – by 35.01%, reflecting the ratio of processes of hypersensitivity of the immediate and delayed type. Boys aged 7-10 years with visual pathology have an immunogenetic predisposition to immediate type hypersensitivity compared to girls. This is evidenced by a decrease in the index of allergy in girls – by 5.0%, as well as an index of the ratio of agranulocytes and ESR – by 10.89%. In addition, the girls below have a leukocyte shift index of 4.12%, a neutrophilic lymphocyte ratio of 6.52%. Conclusions. Thus, immuno-hematological parameters of peripheral blood, characterizing the state of the general immunological reactivity of the organism in children aged 7-10 years with a pathology of vision, differ little between the indicators by gender. In children with visual pathology, the ratio of lymphocytes and eosinophils is reduced by 15.35%, the absolute amount of leukocytes increases by 3.66%, the ratio of lymphocytes and monocytes to 3.64%, and the ratio of eosinophils and lymphocytes to 14.55%, neutrophilic lymphocyte coefficient – by 5.17%. Prospects for further research. The obtained data are the basis for the differentiated appointment of therapeutic and prophylactic measures for boys and girls aged 7-10 years with visual pathology.
children 7-10 years old, visual pathology, immunological reactivity of the organism
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 1 (148), 2019 year, 380-383 pages, index UDK 616-092.18:612.017:617.7-053.5