About the author:
Shevchuk V. I., Yavorovenko O. B., Beliayeva N. M., Kurylenko I. V., Androsova N. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of this work was to study the experience of organization of medical rehabilitation of patients in the leading countries of the world. Object and methods of investigation. The analysis of the literary sources on the experience of the organization of medical rehabilitation in Austria, Belgium, Great Britain, Israel, the Netherlands, France, India, Germany, Poland, the Russian Federation, the USA, Finland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia, Sweden and Japan was performed. Used methods: monographic, structural-logical analysis. Results. The conducted analysis shows that the each country in the organization of medical rehabilitation focuses on its national characteristics. At the same time the leading countries of the world have common features on themethodology, the form of organization of rehabilitation institutions, the stages of the rehabilitation process, the staffing of specialists, the basic list of services, the methodology for assessing the effectiveness of rehabilitation, and the maximum approach of services to people with disabilities. Special attention is paid to the patient’s social and everyday activity, his personal responsibility for his health. There are two-level rehabilitation centers in the leading countries of the world. Different types of vocational rehabilitation centers contain the same departments for rehabilitation (medical, psychological, social, professional), but the volume of medical rehabilitation, depending on the volume and content of their activities, is different. Specialized rehabilitation teams have become widespread in the leading countries of the world. WHO suggested «community-based-rehabilitation». The assessment of the effectiveness of rehabilitation is carried out mainly by scales, tests and special questionnaires. Conclusions. Knowledge of the experience of other countries allows us to take into account the successes and failures in the system of construction of medical rehabilitation in Ukraine. Today, the urgent need to reform the system of medical and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities has risen, based on the best international experience, where the modern concept of disability has a clear rehabilitation focus.
medical rehabilitation, persons with disabilities, the organization of medical rehabilitation, international experience.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 51-55 pages, index UDK 614.2.364