About the author:
Shepitko V. I., Voloshina E. V., Pelipenko L. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The liver performs important functions in the regulation of hemeostasis, providing synthesis, cumulation and excretion into the blood of various metabolites, as well as absorption, transformation and excretion of many blood components. Given the diverse function of hepatocytes and their important role in the accumulation and removal of damaging agents, the purpose of our work was a comparative assessment of the different morphological states of hepatocytes with the introduction of damaging agents in animal experiments according to the literature. The results of the study. Morphological changes in hepatocytes depended on various pharmacological substances, metals, nanoparticles, viruses, as well as the pathological state of the organism and the duration of the experiment. Morphological changes of hepatocytes were always detected experimentally, but with such pathology as experimental stress, hemorrhagic stroke, hyperthermia, trauma, with melatonin deficiency, exposure to boric acid, with prolonged exposure to prooxidants, action of antiseptic suppositories, changes in hepatocytes under the conditions of combined use of carbaziline and triazolin, under conditions of a model of pancreatitis, atherosclerosis, morphological changes of hapatocytes were determined in a weak mon nuclear infiltration, sometimes changed color hepatocyte nuclei in a dark color, in some cases hydropic degeneration of the hepatocytes was determined, the inflammatory infiltration, in hypoxia – globular fat dystrophy, multiple foci of necrosis with inflammatory infiltration. Serious changes were revealed in staphylococcal sepsis: microcirculatory disturbances increased, erythrocyte aggregation and parietal thrombi increased, hemorrhages decreased, the number of stellate macrophages (Kupffer cells) with a normal structure decreased, in the central part of the hepatic lobule dystrophic and necrotic lesions revealed lesions. Nanoparticles of sodium – sodium selenite, cadmium intoxication, silicon dioxide, cadmium chloride, and nanoparticles of technical coal greatly influenced liver cells. All these substances caused significant disturbances: edema of the liver tissue, the appearance of grit and protein cell dystrophy. Destructive processes developed in the hepatocytes, which led to a violation of both the synthetic and detoxifying functions of the liver. The decrease in the number of binuclear hepatocytes can be explained by the inhibition of the activity of their reparative regeneration, due to the insufficient provision of the genome with substrates for the biosynthesis of DNA and RNA. One of the leading factors of hepatocyte damage was a deficiency of glutathione. Therefore, glutaminate, acetylcysteine and glycine were suggested for correction. Significant changes in the liver occurred, as noted Tsvetkova Ya.A. with co-authors, Murfazalova N.V., Dmukhalskaya Ye.B. when exposed to animals in the experiment with a pesticide with the amine salt of 2,4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid: impaired blood circulation, the occurrence of inflammatory and immune reactions in the portal tracts. Correction of the changes, the authors propose to conduct tocopherol acetate, ascorbic acid, quercetin. However, the restoration of the cell structure is significantly slowed down (within 30 days). The most pronounced and rapid changes in hepatocytes were revealed by the authors in case of herpes infection and acute viral hepatitis. Dystrophy and necrosis of the hepatic parenchyma was caused by the development of autoimmune reactions. Primary lesions of the liver were caused by the pathogen itself, as a result, severe intoxication arose from not only absorption into the blood of the pathogen, but also from the breakdown products of the hepatic parenchyma. It is very important to note that in the event of a pathology, the antitoxic function of the liver was turned off. The introduction of antiviral drugs slowly restored the morphology and function of the liver.Conclusion. By analyzing the literature sources describing the morphology of the liver and in particular of hepatocytes, it can be concluded that often hepatocytes are always damaged both from pathogenic factors and from various diseases that arise, that is, modeled in animals. However, the depth and severity of hepatocyte damage depended on the type of damaging factor and the duration of the experiment. The most serious violations were noted by the authors when using amino acid 2,4-DA pesticides, salts of heavy metals, in particular lead and lead nanoparticles, when using cytostatics, irradiation with a constant magnetic field of industrial frequency and the occurrence of a viral infection. Drugs suggested by some authors for the correction of damaged hepatocytes helped them recover at different times. The study of damage to hepatocytes allows for a constant search for drugs and agents to restore the shape and function of an organ.
morphology, hepatocytes, pathogenic factors, intoxication.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 55-59 pages, index UDK (616.36:572.7):57.04