About the author:
Yanishen I. V., Yarovaya A. V., Berezhnaya O. O., Dolya A. V., Bogatyrenko M. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim of the study was to increase the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment of dental patients by introducing the clinical aspects of the using of basic and auxiliary dental materials in the context of ensuring the quality of treatment with orthopedic structures. Were reviewed and analyzed atricles of domestic and foreign authors, who focused on innovative developments in the field of dental materials science due to the reasonable selection of structural and auxiliary dental-technical materials by eliminating the negative factors influencing orthopedic dentures caused by their composition or by deficiencies in clinical and laboratory stages of the denture’s manufacturing. One of the most actual question in the development of modern dentistry is to increase the effectiveness of orthopedic treatment. A large number of works devoted to the improvement of the quality of orthopedic constructions has a huge influence of improvement of materials and methods in dental clinic and in all stages of qualitive orthopedic treatment. Characteristics and right description of modern dental materials and problematic aspects of their clinical application in the treatment of patients with orthopedic dentures must be taken into account. Also, the development and introduction of new dental materials is an important factor in development of modern orthopedic dentistry. A large number of proposed systems and algorithms for evaluation in orthopedic dentistry are noted as separate sporadic authoritarian attempts to generalize. But, unfortunately, the significant differences in the components of these systems and algorithms do not make it easier for them to perceive and understand when constructing a prosthetic design and choosing a dental material, do not approach the wide practical using. And the realities of orthopedic services in Ukraine today require the immediate creation and implementation of a single, adapted nationwide system for assessing the quality of dental orthopedic treatment that would fully satisfy both doctors and patients. The analysis of literature sources suggests the relevance of the problem of improving the quality of orthopedic treatment of orthopedic patients. Especially it should be noted the close relationship between the clinical and technological (reasonable selection of dental-technical materials) and medical and psychological factors of treatment.
orthopedic treatment, basic and auxiliary dental technical materials, quality of treatment, review of the literature, production of dentures.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 59-66 pages, index UDK 616:314-089.23:615.461/.465