About the author:
Zagoruуko Yu. V., Zagoruуko G. E., Martsinovsky V. P., Filatova V. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
In the work were used: 15-16 and 20-21 daily embryos of rats, newborns, 1 – 45 daily rats – Wistar males. A morphometric analysis of the myocardial parenchyma of the complex “left ventricle + interventricular septum” (LV + IVF) was performed. It was established that in the process of prenatal and postnatal cardiomyogenesis (15 days before and 45 days after) birth, the total number of CMC (∑ cmc = N1-с 1st cmc + N2-с cmc) in the parenchyma (LV + IVF) increases by 4,34 times (from 0.35 to 1.52) x 107 cmc. During the period of embryonic cardiomyogenesis (15-21) days, the values of L cmc increase by 2 times (from 0.35 to 0.74) x 107 cmc. In the process of postnatal cardiomyogenesis, in the time interval (newborns – 15 daily rats), the volume of values cmc also increases by 2 times (from 0.77 to 1.52) x 107 cmc. In the time interval (15–45) days, the total number of cmc does not change – ∑ cmc ≈ const ≈ (1.51 ± 0.02) x 107 cmc. During the embryonic period of cardiomyogenesis continuous proliferation of cmc occurs with a maximum speed of 3.75 x 104 cmc/h or 625 cmc/min in the myocardial parenchyma of the newborn rat pups. After birth a significant decrease in the rate of proliferative processes in the myocardial parenchyma is observed. at t → 15 days, ΔN cmc/day > 0. The formation of the 2nd cmc population in the myocardium of the complex (LV + IVF) begins from the 19th day of embryogenesis in rats. In the process of cardiomyogenesis (18 days before and 15 days after) the birth of rat pups as a result of polyploidy the number of 2nd cmc in the parenchyma (LV + IVF) increases 1000 times! (from 0.00144 to 1.44) x 107 cmc. In the time interval tє (15 – 45) days the digital values of the index N 2cmc ≈ const ≈ 1.44 x 107 cmc. Therefore, after the completion of the postnatal period of cardiomyogenesis, the number of 2nd cmc does not change and amounts to ≈ 94 – 95% of the total number of myocytes in the myocardial parenchyma of the complex (LV + IVF). The most active polyploidy process of cmc occurs within 5 days after the birth of rat pups. The maximum speed of polyploidy of cmc is determined on the 5th day and is equal to 73 x 103 cmc/h or 1215 cmc/min.
rats, cardiomyogenesis, proliferation, polyploidy, cardiomyocytes, left ventricle + interventricular septum.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 70-75 pages, index UDK 612.172: 611.127-018