About the author:
Kozishkurt O. V., Golubyatnikov M. I., Maliy V. P., Fedorenko T. V., Gritsenko K. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of the work: to study the epidemic process manifestations (long-term dynamics of morbidity, age distribution, seasonality) of acute diarrhoeal infections, including acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen in the Odessa region during the period 2002-2018. The object and methods of research. The object of the study is the epidemic process of acute diarrhoeal infections, including the epidemic process of acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen. The study used the folloving methods: retrospective epidemiological analysis of relevant forms of sectoral statistical reporting (№1-204 reports, № 2-17 reports) on the incidence of acute diarrhoeal infections (the sum of cases) and acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen among different age groups of the population lived in the Odessa region during the period 2002-2018; statistical (using the Microsoft Excel 2010 software packages and the STATISTICA 5 computer program); analytical. Results of researches and their discussion. We carried out retrospective analysis of the incidence of acute diarrhoeal infections (the sum of cases) among different age groups of the population, lived in the Odessa region during the period 2002-2018. Total 217,633 cases were reported. The morbidity rate among the general population of the Odessa region ranged from 376.47 in 2002 to 810.60 in 2017; an average of 541.44 ± 34.13 per 100,000 population. During the study period, among the general population there was a gradual growth (more than 2 times) in the incidence of acute diarrhoeal infections. The cases of disease among children were recorded reliably more often than among adult of the region. Among the children’s population of the region, there were reliably more cases of this pathology than among adults. Intensive indicators in the age group of 0-17 years ranged from 1,110.01 (2002) to 3,012.37 (2017), averaging 1,936.46 ± 150.53 per 100,000 per age group. The study of the manifestations of the epidemic process of acute intestinal infections caused by unidentified pathogens showed that during 2002-2018, among the general and adult population living in the Odessa region, there was a gradual increase in the incidence. Among the total population, its level increased 4 times and was recorded in the range of 137.73 in 2002 to 548.96 in 2017, averaging 306.66 ± 31.70. Children more often than adults had acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen. During the study period, out of 122,599 all cases of acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen, 80,944 cases were reported among children (66.02%). The study of long-term dynamics and trend calculations showed a significant increase in the morbidity rate (3.83 times) among this group – from 528.23 (2002) to 2,025.90 (2017); an average of 1,195.58 ± 107.55 per 100,000 population. It was found a gradual increase in the proportion of acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen in the structure of acute diarrhoeal infections, both among the general population of the region and among children. Over the two studied periods (from 2002 to 2009 and from 2010 to 2018), a reliably increase in the incidence of this pathology among the child population of the Odessa region was established from 700.04 ± 67.28 to 1453.63 ± 128.74 per 100,000 population per age group (t = 10.45; p <0.0001). Conclusions. Acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen these are viral diseases, which are characterized by the gradual process of replacing of bacterial causative agents of acute diarrhoeal infections by viral ones. During 2010-2018, a decrease in the influence of seasonal factors throughout the year on the morbidity rate of acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen was recorded. To improve the system of infection control of viral diarrhea, it is necessary to widely introduce laboratory express diagnostics into clinical practice.
epidemic process, acute diarrhoeal infections caused by unidentified pathogen, morbidity.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 80-86 pages, index UDK 616.34-022.7-036.11-03622