About the author:
Oriekhova O., Pavlenko O., Oriekhov A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The system for managing of the occupational health and safety of the production environment is part of a comprehensive system of risk management, related to the activities of the company. The purpose of the research is to develop a modern effective model of management of occupational risk from the factors of the production environment and labor process at the employees of industrial enterprises. Object and methods of research. Own sanitary-hygienic research was carried out on 11 industrial companys of the mining and metallurgical industry of Ukraine, was established the level of professional risk and was developed control measures for professional risk management. Results of the research and their discussion. An important component of the system of professional risk management is the block of optimization of prophylactic complexes by the criteria of reduction of exposure and / or risk at an optimal ratio of costs and benefits, without which measures are unrealistic. An important in risk management is also informing to employees, employers, their representatives, the public, administrative bodies, etc. about the existing occupational risk, observing the principles of medical deontology and ethical norms. Due to the fact that the leading risk factors of the development of both general and occupational diseases are factors of the industrial environment and the labor process, the priority measures for the assessment and management of occupational risk should be directed for reducing the harmful level of chemical production factors. Under the chemical risk factors understand the risks of causing harm to health when using harmful chemicals, compounds and powders. When carrying out an integral assessment of occupational risk, we determine the presence of chemical risk factors with subsequent measurements of their concentrations in the air of the working area, comparison with normative values and assessment of chemical hazards by the Risk and Safety Statements (European Union Commission Directive 2001/59/ECJ). The main direction of state policy in the field of occupational medicine should be the development and approval on the state level the modern algorithm for productive interaction between the leading links of the structures of occupational medicine. The leading risk factors of the development of both general and occupational diseases are factors of the production environment and labor process, the priority measures for managing occupational risk should be directed to reducing the harmful level of the chemical factor, the physical factor (microclimate, noise and vibration, ultrasound, infrasound, illumination, atmospheric pressure, ionizing and non-ionizing radiation), biological factor, labor intensity. Conclusions. The main direction of state policy in the field of occupational medicine should be the development and approval in the state level modern algorithm for productive interaction between leading links of occupational medicine structures. Factors in the production environment and labor process are leading in risk of developing of professional and professionally conditioned pathology. Currently, in Ukrainian legislation lacks normative documents on the assessment and management of occupational risk. Therefore, we have proposed a modern effective model of monitoring, evaluation and management of occupational risk.
occupational risk, professional pathology, mining and metallurgical industry of Ukraine, harmful production factors, occupational medicine.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 90-94 pages, index UDK 613.63.001.8:331.4