About the author:
Savushyna I. V., Pavlenko O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Timely, comprehensive application of the risk management system contributes to the achievement of effective measures for the elimination of violations, improvement of conditions and safety of work and really provides an opportunity to prevent economic losses associated with the loss of labor potential, reimbursement of compensation for disability, medical expenses for treatment and rehabilitation of patients. The purpose of the research. To substantiate an effective model of risk management for the development of professional laryngitis in teachers. Object and methods of research. The justification of the risk management model done based on the sanitary and hygienic research of working conditions, the analysis of the results of preventive medical examinations of teachers and the improvement of existing models for managing occupational risk. Results of the research and their discussion. The first stage in the system of risk assessment is an analysis of risk, which includes identifying harmful factors, determining their values and significance of the risk which they cause. The next stage is the risk assessment, which consists of a comprehensive and systematic detection of harmful factors and determination of their levels by establishing a category of general risk. After determining the overall risk of developing professional laryngitis in teachers we turn to the determine of the leading factors of risk. The next stage is to filling the «Risk Management Questionnaire» in which describes the dangerous situation with maximum precision, that could lead to deterioration in teacher’s health, note down a certain risk category, established the necessary risk management measures, the responsible person and timetable for the planned activities with a note about their performance or necessary correction in the process of execution. Conclusions. Health is an extraordinary value and inalienable human right which is an important resource and a source of economic and social stability of the country, and the economic loss, associated with the loss of health, makes the problem of prevention of occupational pathology one of the priorities in the field of Occupational Medicine, as in Ukraine, and so on at the international level. Prophylaxis of occupational diseases should begin as soon as an employee falls under the influence of harmful production factors, when there is no sustainable changes in the organism, carried out continuously throughout the work activity and consists of analyzing, evaluating and substantiating effective risk management measures. The proposed risk management model based on the definition of the risk category, taking into account the working conditions, the results of preventive medical examinations, the duration of abnormal changes in the vocal apparatus and the duration of the voice load for further identification of the leading harmful factor and the development of measures aimed at reducing the impact of occupational risk on the teacher’s health. Prospects for further research. Establishing a category and a leading factor of occupational risk is the basis for managing the system of saving life and health of teachers in the process of work, which will allow maintaining a high level of performance capability, lengthening the duration and quality of life, reducing the level of general-somatic and occupational pathology in teachers and reducing the cost of treatment and rehabilitation.
risk management, harmful production factors, professional laryngitis, risk category, teachers.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 94-101 pages, index UDK 616.22-008-057+371.124