About the author:
Arefeh Amiri, Radziminska O. V., Vereschaka V. V., Stepanova L. I., Beregova T. V
Type of article:
Scentific article
Formerly we established that treatment of the full-thickness wounds by nanocrystalline cerium dioxide gel (NCD) dissolved in Carbapol gel accelerates complete wound closure and reduced wound area in comparison with non-treated animals. Also it was shown that wound healing was without formation keloid scar. Further research is needed to create a new dermatotropic drug. The aim of the study was to investigate the effect of NCD gel on the physical and chemical properties of skin after healing of the full-thickness wound. Research was done on 40 white laboratory male rats weighing 200–250 g, which were divided into three groups. Before performing the full-thickness wound model, animals were anesthetized by sodium thiopental at the dose of 50 mg/kg. The animals of 1st group were control (intact without wounds). In rats of 2nd, 3rd and 4th groups fullthickness wounds of 1x1 cm2 were formed in the skin. In rats of 2nd group wound healing happened without use any drugs. In rats of 3rd group full-thickness wounds were treated by Carbopol gel (0,5 % Carbopol solution based on saline solution) once daily until healing. In rats of 4th group full-thickness wounds were treated by 0,05% NCD gel (CeO2 was dissolved in 0,5% Carbopol gel) once daily until healing. To determine the percentage of moisture in the tissue, skin samples were weighed on analytical scales and dried to constant weight at 80 ° C in a drying cabinet SNOL 3, / I1. In the study of functional properties of connective tissue, the output of collagen gelatin was determined by hydrothermal welding of the skin The skin welding temperature was measured using the device PTC-1. A piece of skin was fixed with the hooks of the apparatus, poured water and slowly heated. Under the influence of the thermal factor, the skin began to decrease linearly, which led to the tension of the cord and the commissioning of the timer indicator. The skin welding temperature was determined by the mercury thermometer and it corresponded to the beginning of the movement of the indicator arrow. To study the collagen content we used the Kjeldahl method. Statistical analysis of data was carried out by the “Statistica 8.0” software package. Shapiro-Wilk’s W criterion was used for the investigation of the data distribution type. Posthoc analysis included Student’s t-test for parametric data. In the skin of animals after healing of untreated wounds moisture content decreased by 39,8% (p<0,01) but collagen content increased by 59,8% (p<0,05), smelted gelatin content increased by 95,2% (p<0,001), temperature of welding of a skin increased by 41,1% (p<0,05) in comparison with control. Wound treatment with Carbopol gel did not affect moisture content, collagen content, smelted gelatin content, temperature of welding of a skin after healing compared to the animals with untreated wounds. Wound treatment with NCD gel did not affect moisture content in the skin after healing compared to the animals with untreated wounds but collagen content, smelted gelatin content and temperature of welding of a skin they recovered to the level of control (skin of control intact animals without wounds). We consider NCD gel as a new promising dermatotropic drug in the form of a soft bandage.
nanocrystalline cerium dioxide, full-thickness wound, collagen, moisture, smelted gelatin.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 108-111 pages, index UDK 616-001.4-08.31.84:615.262:612.79.015