About the author:
Baryla N. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Purpose of the study is to study the effect of the drug AQUAVIT-D3 on the state of peripheral red blood cells and the circadian rhythm and blood pressure variability in patients with chronic heart failure with vitamin D deficiency. Object and methods of the research. Surveyed 100 patients (mean age 59.5 ± 5.5 years) with chronic heart failure Class II A with vitamin D deficiency. 75 people constituted the main group who, in combination with basic therapy, used the drug AQUAVIT-D3 (at a dose of 12.5 mg/day for 1 month). According to the level of vitamin D deficiency, patients of the main group were divided into three subgroups: the first subgroup with a level of up to 10.9 ng/ml, the second subgroup with a level of 10.9-23.7 ng/ml and the third subgroup with a level of 23.7 ng/ml and niche. 25 patients were in the control group who used only basic therapy. In all patients, the daily rhythm and blood pressure variability were assessed using daily monitoring of this indicator. Erythrocyte preparations were prepared according to the standard technique and studied in a JEOL scanning microscope (Japan) with a parallel determination of the trace element composition in the X-REDA prefix. Results and discussion. Complex therapy with the preparation AQUAVIT-D3 promotes improvement of daily rhythm and reduction of the variability of blood pressure in patients with chronic heart failure complicated by vitamin D deficiency. Such vitamin therapy is safe, well tolerated, has no side effects and can be recommended for the correction of daily rhythm and blood pressure variability in patients with chronic heart failure with vitamin D deficiency. Complex therapy with the preparation AQUAVIT-D3 has led to a significant decrease in the values of «pressure loading» values: the time index of mean and diastolic blood pressure, the index of the median and diastolic blood pressure (mean, day, night) of patients in all three clinical subgroups. Dynamics of adaptive transformations of peripheral blood red blood cells can serve as a criterion for assessing the level of functional state of the organism as a whole and the direction of the adaptation process, taking into account the chronological features of the development of chronic heart failure with vitamin D deficiency and the complex treatment of AQUAVIT-D3. Improvement of the basic hemodynamic parameters in patients with chronic heart failure with vitamin D deficiency after complex treatment is accompanied by structural rearrangement of peripheral blood red blood cells, which in themselves are nonspecific, but their combination and chronological sequence are specific features in restoring the functional state of the cardiovascular system in such patients.
vitamin D, daily rhythm, variability, blood pressure, chronic heart failure
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 114-119 pages, index UDK 612.111+616-072.5 +612.015.6+616.12