About the author:
Kaskova L. F., Vashchenko I. Yu., Khmil O. V., Andrianova O. Yu., Yanko N. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Training of international students at Ukrainian Medical Stomatological Academy, majoring in Dentistry and mastering the discipline «Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry» of Russian or English medium of study is challenging. The secret of the learning progress of students studying in a foreign environment is the presence of hypermotivation. The problem-oriented approach to work with a patient is reflected in the study program for a pediatric dentist training, which facilitates the formation of professional competencies and critical thinking. The training is aimed at the acquisition of competencies based on the basic cognitive, operational, legislative, communicative skills (abilities).General and specialized competencies include the ability to establish initial contact with a patient, to indicate and classify his/her problems, to provide primary medical care regardless of the severity of the disease, gender, age and other patient’s individual features, to manage the process of providing medical care effectively and adequately with rational use of available health care resources, to coordinate medical assistance with other health care professionals. Portfolio is a useful tool to evaluate and assess the results of international students learning across the discipline «Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry», encouraging them to show their total self-fulfilment during the training and achieve high success in learning. It ensures the shift of emphasis from evaluation to self-assessment. Integration is part of a portfolio. The introduction of assessment of personal achievements of the student provides the development of the following components of personality: motivation for self-development, the formation of positive guidelines in the structure of personal concept, the development of self-esteem, strong-willed regulation, responsibility. The aggregate final assessment of an international student reflects the progress of individual, educational achievements in the discipline «Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry» during the entire period of study at the Department of Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry with the Prevention of Dental Diseases. It is progressive and accumulative. Reflexivity is an important characteristic of portfolio technique. Reflection is the main mechanism and method of self-certification and self-report. Reflection is a process of cognition based on self-observation of the inner world. We recommend the following types of portfolios for international students: portfolio of achievements, portfolioreport, portfolio-self-assessment, portfolio – planning of their work. Portfolio facilitates a new intellectual development of enhanced skills for international students at the Faculty of Dentistry, to form their abilities that are metacognitive. Conclusions. The method of portfolio for an international student is the organizer of his/her educational activity, and for the teacher, a means of feedback and a tool for evaluating the student’s learning. Portfolio is personally oriented, which is its distinctive feature and allows to record the personal achievements of a student across the discipline «Pediatric Therapeutic Dentistry» and evaluate its progressive professional growth, which enables to form the expertise in the future pediatric dental professional.
foreign students, pediatric therapeutic dentistry, portfolio, innovative educative methods.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 238-240 pages, index UDK 378.6:61.016:616.31–053.2–085]–048.78 – 054.6 –057.875