Degtyar V. A., Degtyar A. V., Dedukh N. V., Nikolchenko O. A.


About the author:

Degtyar V. A., Degtyar A. V., Dedukh N. V., Nikolchenko O. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


The problem of infectious complications in traumatology and orthopedics is still relevant, despite the widespread use of various schemes of antibiotic therapy. In the presence of a periprosthetic infection or arthroscopic intervention, local action antiseptics are important. However, the majority of antiseptics, exerting a bactericidal effect, affect the vital activity of the cells of the surrounding tissues. The purpose of the study was to determine the effect of local antiseptics of decamethoxin (Decasan® ) on the condition of the knee joint in rats. Object and methods. Two series of experiments were carried out on 20 white laboratory rats: animals were injected into the knee joint with 0.1 ml of physiological saline (control) or 0.1 ml of decasan (0.1 ml of Decasan® solution contains 0.02 mg of decamethoxin) (experience). Animals were killed by overdose of the ether after 1 hour and 7 days after daily administration of the decasan or physiological solution (5 times). The knee joints were examined histologically. The objects of the microscopic examination were articular cartilage on the femoral and tibia, meniscus and capsule of the knee joint. Results. The structure of the joint components did not differ on the terms 1 and 7 days after the injection of Decasan®. Congruence of articular surfaces is not disturbed. The surface of the articular cartilage is smooth, the zonal organization is preserved, that is, chondrocytes with characteristic phenotypic features form three zones of uncalcified cartilage. In the surface zone, cells have an elongated shape, located in 1-2 balls. Chondrocytes in the intermediate zone have rounded nuclei, located in capsules. clusters of cells or chondrons are absent. In the deep zone, chondrocytes form columns of 2-3 cells. The matrix was uniformly colored, fibrillation areas were not detected. In calcified cartilage hypertrophied chondrocytes are located in expanded capsules, and there are empty capsules that are characteristic of this zone of articular cartilage. According to the ORSI classification, a similar pattern of articular cartilage is characteristic of the 0 stage, that is, the norm, arthrosis manifestations at the late stage of the study have not been noted. Destructive changes in the cells and matrix in the meniscus and joint capsules were not detected. However, in the case of repeated administration of the physiological solution into the joint cavity, changes are noted in both the articular cartilage and in the synovial membrane. In the articular cartilage in the surface layer, along with chondrocytes with picnotic nuclei, hypertrophied chondrocytes were found due to edema. In the synovial membrane increased density of fibroblasts, significant areas occupy cells of the mononuclear series. That is, there is a chronic inflammatory process. Conclusion. It has been revealed that Decasan® does not violate the organization of the components of the knee joint – articular cartilage, menisci and capsule. Under the conditions of long-term action – 7 days, destructive and inflammatory changes in the knee joint were not detected. The investigated drug has an advantage over other antiseptic drugs of local action and can be used in the conditions of surgical treatment of joints.


rats, knee joint, decamethoxin, histology


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 286-290 pages, index UDK 616-092.9-036.5 : 616.728.3-018