About the author:
Omelchenko T., Burianov O., Dedukh N., Lyabakh A., Chernovol P., Natrus L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The modern complex of regenerative technologies in the treatment of patients with intraarticular osteochondral defects includes surgical methods in combination with the use of cellular and tissue technologies, which promotes acceleration of poliferation and differentiation of cells, activation of their metabolism, creation of conditions for the restoration of blood supply in adjacent bone tissue and optimization of functional conditions of the newly formed regenerate. However, the insufficient evidence base on the impact of these treatments (transplantation of PRP, platelet rich plasma and BMDC, bone marrow-derived cell) leads to conflicting views on their use, as well as numerous discussions about treatment outcomes using these treatments. Purpose of the study. According to the morphological study in an experiment in laboratory animals to evaluate the effectiveness of the use of PRP and BMDCT in the treatment of intra-articular osteochondral injuries. Object and methods. Experimental studies were performed on 32 rabbits. An osteochondral defect in the medial part of the femur of a critical size with a diameter of 3 mm in a depth of 5 mm was reproduced by the dental boron. The defect was not filled (1st series), filled with collagen-fibrin matrix (2nd series), collagen-fibrin matrix with PRP (3rd series) or with BMDCT (4th series). Animals were killed at 40 days. After histological procedures the material was examined under a microscope Olympus ВХ 63 and Micros. Morphometric analysis was performed to determine the nature and structure of the regenerate, its integration with surrounding tissues, the evaluation of the content of cell structures and non-cellular elements that were formed in the defect in different series of the experiment using scale recommended by the Committee of the International Cartilage Regeneration Union (SCRS) with our modifications. Research results and discussion. An analysis of the results of the study using a modified histological evaluation scale showed that hyaline cartilage was present only in the regenerate of experimental animals of series No. 3 and No. 4, they did not show significant stratification of the surface of the cartilage. In the experimental group of animals of the series No. 3 receiving PRP, the formation of hyaline cartilaginous tissue with chondroblast, chondrocytes and fibrochondrocytes, which densely filled the bone and cartilage defect, was recorded in the area of the bone and cartilage defect. In the experimental group of animals No. 4, where mesenchymal stem cells of the bone marrow punctate were used, defects located in the articular cartilage were filled with a dense, well developed hyaline cartilaginous tissue with a high degree of its integration with the edges of the defect. The bony trabeculae of the spongiform bone adjacent to the cartilaginous defect formed a network. The comparison of the components of regenerate the morphometric scale in the control and experimental groups was performed and a significant difference was found for all the parameters in the PRP and BMDCT groups compared with the control animals. A statistical difference between PRP and BMDCT was found for the indicator of tissue regenerate and cellular composition, with the use of BMDCT, these indicators prevailed by 1.4 times. Compared with the regeneration indices between the series No. 1 and the series No. 2, statistically significant differences were noted connection of the regenerate with the edges of the articular cartilage defect, elevated in the series No. 2. Conclusion. In this case, the technique involving the use of bone marrow mesenchymal stem cells (BMDCT) was significantly more effective than using PRP
osteochondral damage, cartilage regeneration, regenerative technologies, PRP (platelet-rich plasma), BMDCT (bone marrow cell transplantation).
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 290-299 pages, index UDK 616.71+616.71-018.3]-003.93:616.72-001-031.25:612.08