About the author:
Pantus A. V., Rozhko M. M., Bagrii M. M., Kovalchuk N. E., Yarmoshuk I. R.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Currently the interest in biopolymers in bioengineering and medicine is increasing progressively. The materials used in tissue engineering are expected to have some special features and supply engineer and microengineer constructions with characteristics that living tissues have, as follows: the ability of self-repair; the ability of changing anatomy and properties in response to environmental factors. The purpose of the study: to estimate experimentally the development patterns of the vasculature in the early stages of porous fiber matrix implantation. The research was carried out on 20 lab animals (rabbits), which were divided into two groups. The first group: surgical intervention was performed to 10 animals, which included the creation of the pocket in the subcutaneous adipose tissue and suturing. The second group: the implantation of the biopolymer matrix into the area between the shoulder blades was performed to 10 animals. The month after the matrix with the underlying tissues was removed. It was divided into 25 parts for histological examination. 9 segments were chosen for analysis: the one from centrally located area, four segments from precentral and four ones from peripheral zones. The histological slides were examined lightoptically with the help of the microscope Leica DME with different magnifications. The morphometric features were analyzed using the system for taking microscopic pictures of histological samples (microscope Leica DME and digital camera Nikon P5100) and by using the program ImageTool 2.0 for Windows. The research were conducted at the Department of Pathomorphology and Legal Medicine of Ivano-Frankivsk National Medical University. Statistical analysis was performed with the aid of PC programs Microsoft Exel and Statistica 5.5 (Multiple Regression) using the methods of variation statistic and correlation. By using a freezing microtome the slides 30-50 nm were made, then were dehydrated in alcohols of different concentrations, soaked in methyl salicylate and fixed in polystyrene. Afterwards, the slides were examined with the microscope MPS-6. The results display the absence of acute or chronic inflammatory infiltration as well as no transplantation rejection. The fiber matrix made by us, creates a peculiar bridge for germination and development of capillary network due to its hygroscopicity and sponginess.
biopolymer, bioimplant, vascular mesh.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 305-309 pages, index UDK 616.314-083:528.315-38