About the author:
Gavlovsky O. D., Golovanova I. A., Tovstiak M. M., Oshurko O. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The consequences of an antiterrorist operation (hereinafter – ATO) do not remain unannounced, especially for those involved in the operation. ATO participants who took active part in the action, returning home sometimes require additional medical and psychological help. The article analyzes the work of a practical psychologist in three stages and a method of timing, examining the time spent on each stage per patient. Rehabilitation work has several components: medical, psychological, social. All components are interconnected and should be provided with a complex of rehabilitation measures. After all, medical rehabilitation, aimed at achieving the mental, social, economic, professional value of a person, pursues the same goal as socio-psychological rehabilitation – the restoration of mental and physical forces of the organism in order to ensure the social integration of the individual in the social environment. The main task of the practical psychologist is to restore and maintain the somatic and psychophysical health of the soldier, by establishing the individual characteristics of the victim in relation to the injury received and determining the degree of severity of the disorder. After determining and establishing the severity of the severity begin treatment. During special psychological procedures, irritability, psycho-emotional stress and fear are eliminated, with the help of special psychotherapeutic measures regulate and correct the violations of the functions of the organism and the psychophysiological state.
rehabilitation, psychological rehabilitation, timekeeping method, participant in antiterrorist operation, psychological counseling, psychodiagnostics, psychocorrection.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 322-325 pages, index UDK 614.25:159.9