About the author:
Garmash O. V.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of excess body weight at birth (fetal macrosomia) on the prevalence of caries during 14 years of life in children and adolescents of the Kharkiv population (Kharkiv, Ukraine). One of the objectives of the study is to identify the effects of intrauterine obesity, intrauterine accelerated body growth, or the balanced acceleration of both growth and weight gain on caries prevalence among children and adolescents born with macrosomia. The statistical analysis of medical records at Kharkiv City Municipal Clinic for Children Number 23 has been carried out. The medical records of children born for the period 1977-1992 have been analyzed. The main group consists of records of children with fetal macrosomia. The comparison group consists of medical records of children born with mass-growth parameters normal for gestational age (normosomia). The percentage of children who have caries of deciduous teeth, complicated caries of deciduous teeth, early childhood caries, severe early childhood caries, caries of permanent teeth and complicated caries of permanent teeth in all groups and subgroups is evaluated for the binomial distribution of a random variable. Our retrospective-statistical study has revealed a higher percentage of caries in children and adolescents born with macrosomia compared to children born with normal weight-growth parameters. The children born with macrosomia with garmonoius intrauterine development have a significantly higher percentage of deciduous teeth caries and a significantly higher percentage of early childhood caries, compared to children who were born normosomic. The children born with macrosomia with intrauterine obesity on a background of acceleration, have a significantly higher percentage of cases of complicated caries of permanent teeth. The children born with macrosomia with intrauterine obesity and intrauterine standard body lengths have a significantly higher percentage of deciduous teeth caries, the fact of its complicated course has also been established. They also have a significantly higher percentage of cases of complicated caries of permanent teeth.
fetal macrosomia, children and adolescents, desidious teeth caries, permanent teeth caries.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 341-345 pages, index UDK 616.314.17- 008.1- 085: 618.3- 053.1- 071.1