About the author:
Emelyanova N. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Periodontal diseases have a multifactorial nature and their development depends on the local and general factors of the body. Somatic diseases are one of affecting factors causing changes in periodontal diseases due to close functional connection of organs. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease especially in combination with coronary heart disease can affect periodontal tissues. The purpose of the study – study of periodontal status characteristics in patients with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease and in comorbidity with coronary heart disease. Object and methods. We have researched the periodontal status of 130 patients with COPD in combination with IHD (main group) and 38 patients with COPD (observation group). All these patients received basic therapy for somatic pathology. Patients were performed general dental examination and detailed clinical examination of parodontium, taking into account the main indices of hygiene and parodontium. Statistical processing has been carried out using parametric and non-parametric methods. Results and discussion. We found pathological inflammatory and inflammatory-dystrophic periodontal changes in most patients of both of the main group and the comparison group. Also in the patients of the main group we found non-inflammatory destruction associated with impaired microcirculation not only in the coronary vessels but also in the vessels of the periodontal tissues. The highest values of OHI-S, PMA, KPI has been recorded in patients with isolated COPD. Conclusions. Thus, the vast majority of patients with comorbid bronchial and cardiac pathology have changes in periodontal tissues due to not only somatic pathology but also effects of basic therapy drugs. This conclusion determines necessity of comprehensive study of all the relations between periodontal disease and internal organs pathology in order to develop effective treatment and prevention methods
periodontal disease, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, coronary heart disease, hygiene index, halitosis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 350-353 pages, index UDK 616.314.18-002.4:616.131:616-005.4