About the author:
Kaskova L. F., Popik K. M., Ulasevych L. P., Andriyanova O. Y., Kulai O. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The most active growth of caries index is observed in children. This is due to the eruption of permanent teeth which are not sufficiently mineralized, especially in the first 2-3 years after the eruption, formation of body organs and systems, somatic pathologies, improper oral hygiene, geochemical living conditions, impact of various external factors which might cause derangement of mineral metabolism. The objective of our research was to determine the degree of incidence and rate of permanent tooth caries in children aged 6 to 16 for further elaboration of combination preventive measures aimed at prevention of occurrence and development of cariosity complications. Research materials and methods. Dental health has been studied in 412 children at the schools of Poltava (grades 1-11). We have determined caries rate by CFE index. Caries incidence degree has been calculated for each age period as percentage. Also, we have grouped children based on the period of studies in primary, secondary and upper school. We have calculated Significant Caries Index (SIC index) based on Brathol method. The level of dental care to children was assessed against CFE index according to P.A. Leus’s recommendations. Findings and discussing them. Research has involved children of the following age groups: 6-9-year-olds (grades 1-4 – Group 1), 10-13-year-olds (grades 5-8 – Group 2), 14-16-year-olds (grades 9-11 – Group 3).Significant growth in the number of children with caries in the first 4 years of school (6-9-year-olds) by 36.26% is observed. Changes are especially observed at the age of 8-9, 9-10 and 10-11 (increase of caries incidence degree by 15.79%, 14.82% and 13.94% respectively). During the period from 11 to 13, and from 14 to 16, a slight growth in the number of children with permanent tooth caries is observed. The lowest carious index was found with 6-year-olds, whereas the highest – with 16-year-olds. In age group 1, the highest growth of carious index was observed with 6-7-year-olds. Research in age group 2 (10-13 y.o.) has shown probable increase in the number of carious teeth in children aged 9 to 10 and 10 to 11. Probable increase in carious index is observed in children aged 13 to 14.No significant increase in the number of carious teeth is observed in children aged 14 to 15. The average highest carious index in children aged 6 to 16 was 4.71±0.0. The level of dental care delivered to group 1 children was 29.5%, which is insufficient. This parameter corresponds to children’s need for caries treatment which, based on our estimates, is 24.6%. In group 2, the level of dental care was 37.1%, need for treatment – 53.9%, in group 3 – 48.8% and 68.8% respectively. Conclusion. The increase in permanent tooth caries incidence degreeoccurs in every age period. The highest increase is observed in 6-7-year-olds, i.e. in the period when the first permanent molars, which are less mineralized, start to erupt, and when children are adapting in the first year at school. Periods that are important include from 8 to 9 (increase by 15.79%), from 9 to 10 (increase by 14.82%) and from 10 to 11 (increase by 13.94%), when kids finish primary school and go to secondary school with higher workload and the necessity to get used to new teachers. During other age periods no significant increase in caries incidence degree has been observed. Carious index increases in children aged 6-7, 9-10 and 13-14, which also to some extent corresponds to the periods of studying in primary, secondary and upper school, which required further research. The level of dental care increases from group 1 to group 3, and so does the need for treatment, which may only be influenced by preventive talks with children and their parents about the necessity of prevention and treatment at early stages of caries development.
children, caries, permanent teeth, prevalence, intensity.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 353-357 pages, index UDK 616.314-002-053.5