About the author:
Korol M. D., Skubii O. M., Korol D. M., Petruk D. O., Maliuchenko T. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Periodontium endurance of non-functioning teeth in case of dental arch deformities has been studied by the authors. The informativeness of method was provided by graphic registration and decoding of data characterizing the endurance of periodontium to the load. The graphical recording of the maximum occlusal force developing over time [gnathodynamography (GDG)] was carried out. For this purpose, the electronic gnathodynamometer “Vizyr” (scientific-production association “Azymuth”) and personal computer were used. The comprehensive examination of 107 healthy persons with intact teeth (control group) and 217 persons with partial loss of teeth and various forms of dental arch deformities, totaling 324 persons of both genders aged from 21 to 40 years old with the completely formed dentofacial system was conducted in research. The endurance indicators of periodontal tissues to vertical loads made it possible to objectively evaluate the functional state of masticatory apparatus. According to the data obtained, three main types of endurance in persons with intact teeth can be distinguished. They are characterized by different levels of pain threshold. In the presence of dental arch deformities, teeth limiting the defect are primarily affected, and their endurance somewhat decreases, directly depending on time after tooth extraction. Analysis of the gnathodynamometry data determined a tendency for endurance reduction of periodontium to the load depending on the size of deformity, and also indicated a long-term connection with the forms of its manifestation. A significant decrease in periodontal endurance to the load was observed in teeth excluded from functioning due to removal of antagonists. The level of endurance depends on the size of the defect and forms of deformities manifestations
dental arch deformities, periodontium, non-functioning teeth, gnathodynamography.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 357-360 pages, index UDK 616.311.2: 616.3/8-008.65: 616.314.2-007.24: 539.4