About the author:
Nikolishyna E., Ilenko N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The article presents the results of removal hyperesthesia in dental fluorosis before and after performing an ultrasound scaling procedure using the SENSITIVE PRO-Relief toothpaste from Colgate. The increased sensitivity of the hard tissues of teeth is observed at: diseases of the periodontal disease; noncarious lesions (fluorosis, pathological stiffness, wedge-shaped defects, erosion, enamel cracks); caries; during and after preparation of teeth; after scaling and whitening teeth. In these cases, the issues of prevention of hyperesthesia, and especially its treatment need to be addressed. The research was conducted on 36 patients with uncertain and weak fluorosis according to the WHO classification. A comprehensive dental examination of patients included: determining the level of oral hygiene by the GreenVermillion index, the periodontal tissue condition according to the PMA index. For estimation of hyperesthesia of teeth it was calculated the index of intensity of hyperesthesia of teeth (IIHT). The results of clinical approbation of SENSITIVE PRO-Relief toothpaste with Pro-Argin technology showed its high clinical performance before and after ultrasonic scoring of teeth damaged by fluorosis, with varying degrees of hypersensitivity. The assessment of the sensitivity of hard tissue teeth 1 week after the application of the SENSITIV PRO-Relief paste showed a complete absence of HT in patients who, prior to treatment, complied with grade I. Patients with HT grade III were absent. In 7 patients, IIHT was 1.2 ± 0.04 and corresponded to the 1st degree of hyperesthesia, and in 5 patients 1.6 ± 0.02, which corresponded to the degree of severity of hypersensitivity. After 1 month, regardless of severity, IIHT reduction was noted in all patients, but completely eliminated hypersensitivity of the teeth with fluorosis was found in patients with pathologies I and II degrees of hyperesthesia. The average index of intensity index HT the III degree decreased to 1.4 ± 0.02 points. According to our research, toothpaste, which was studied during operation, has the effect of removal hypersensitivity and corresponds to the declared parameters, so it can be recommended for professional and home use.
hyperesthesia, dental fluorosis, toothpaste, professional scaling
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 361-363 pages, index UDK 616.728. – 002 – 073