About the author:
Pantus A. V., Yarmoshuk I. R., Grekulyak V. V., Kogut V. L., Malendevich T. L.
Type of article:
Scentific article
One of the specific areas in practical dentistry is the use of various biological matrix structures that serve as a backbone for osteogenic cells and a framework for vascular components that provide the gradual formation of a new bone tissue in the area of the defect formed as a result of enucleation. Taking into account these data, development and improvement of effective surgical methods of treatment of odontogenic cysts remains an actual task of practical dentistry. The use of collagen sponge, as a material for stabilizing the blood clot, practically does not affect the natural mechanism of filling formed in the results of bone defect enucleation and can serve as a model for comparing the effectiveness of other approaches to optimizing surgical protocols for the treatment of patients with radicular cysts. The aim of the study was to determine the effectiveness of using fibrous matrix and polymer membranes in the process of restoring defects in the bone structure after the procedure of the enucleation in the lower jaw and to analyze the results with those that were registered in the implementation of bone defects with collagen sponge. The selected sample of the patient is divided into two groups: I group – the study, which included 24 patients (filling the main bone defect was carried out using the article developed by the authors of the fiber matrix and polymer membranes); The second group – was a comparison, which included 25 patients (filling the main bone defect was performed using the Collagen Tape (Integra Life Sciences) collagen sponge). Analysis of bone tissue parameters in the area of the defect and surrounding bone areas was performed based on the results of X-ray examination in Image J software using the specialized plug-in Bone J. The mean reduction in the geometric radiographic size of the defect in the study group was 89.4±2.5%, while in the comparison group, this figure was 90.2±1.6%. The largest reduction, both in the study group and in the comparison group, was noted in the horizontal (87.8-93.6%) and in the diagonal (88.4-91.5%) components of the defect. The lack of registered statistical differences between the above-described criteria for evaluating surgical treatment of patients in both groups suggests that the use of fibrous matrix and polymeric membranes does not provoke significant violations in the process of physiological bone regeneration after cyst removal.
fibrous matrix, polymeric membrane, odontogenic cyst.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 368-372 pages, index UDK 616.314-083:528.315-38