Skripnikova T. P., Khavalkinа L. M., Khmil T. A., Udaltsova-Grodzinska K. O., Sidelnikov A. E.


About the author:

Skripnikova T. P., Khavalkinа L. M., Khmil T. A., Udaltsova-Grodzinska K. O., Sidelnikov A. E.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Recent studies have shown that the onset of periodontal tissue diseases is dependent on the amount of parodontopathogenic microflora, and, consequently, the volume of dental plaque. The presence of dental plaque and its volume are directly dependent on hygiene products and daily manipulations performed by a patient/ individual. Therefore, patients should give special attention to hygiene products and methods of their use in various clinical situations. On the Ukrainian market the domestic manufacturer Jardin Cosmetics LLC is presented a brand-new product, namely, “Bisheffect” toothpaste. 38 patients aged 22-24 years have been involved into clinical study of the “Bisheffect” toothpaste. Before testing, all patients underwent instrumental examination with subsequent defining of hygiene and periodontal indices, acid plaque activity, microcrystallization of the saliva, and gingival bleeding according to Muhlemann-Cowell. The assessment of the effectiveness of the toothpaste has been carried out according to the following criteria: Green-Vermillion oral hygiene index simplified (OHIS) to determine the purifying function. The acidic activity of the plaque was determined by the colorimetric test. The effect of the toothpaste on the inflammatory process in the parodentium was evaluated using the Schiller-Pisarev test, the determination of the bleeding index and the assessment of the individual sensations of the patient. The dynamics of the Schiller-Pisarev test before and after treatment have shown the effectiveness of antiinflammatory therapy. We also determined the mineralization potential of the saliva (MPS). The formation of saliva crystals can characterize the remineralising ability of the saliva, and the intensity of the dental caries is associated with the type of microcrystallization. The findings of the study have established the reduction of the risk of occurrence of dental caries in continuous use of the “Bisheffect” toothpaste. Cariesogenicity of dental plaque, after regular use of the “Bisheffect” toothpaste not less than twice a day, decreased in 79% of the subjects. The conducted studies on the analysis of the “Bisheffect” toothpaste properties have shown a decrease in microbial contamination of the oral cavity. This contributes to a reduction in the intensity of dental caries and inflammatory processes in the parodentium.


hygiene, periodontal disease, dental caries, prophylaxis, toothpaste.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 1 Part 2 (149), 2019 year, 372-376 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-002-08-053.81