About the author:
Bilash S. M., Pronina O. M., Sуdorenko M. I., Kobenyak M. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The paper presents preliminary studies of surgical sutures, changes in intestinal tissues when using different surgical threads. The variety of suture material in modern surgical practice, especially in operations on the intestine, is quite large, but given all the positive qualities of modern suture material, one should not forget about its shortcomings and consequences in the postoperative period. These factors constitute the problem of choosing suture material in surgical practice and are a criterion for further comparison and selection of the most optimal suture material with minimal side effects in intestinal operations. Surgical surgical suture material has a significant advantage over the suture material that is long-term in the tissues and leads to a permanent irritant effect, which in turn significantly reduces the function of the operated organ. The main requirement for a resorbing suture material is the term of resorption of the thread which should as much as possible coincide with the terms of healing of the wound. In a variety of suture materials, yarns with versions of ethones and L-arginine have been well-proven. Valuable qualities of ethony as a drug having antimicrobial and reparative properties, determined the development of methods for its immobilization on surgical sutures. The main quality of ethonium in the suture material is the ability to create the necessary concentration directly in the operative locus. Valuable qualities of L-arginine as a preparation having antimicrobial, antioxidant, metabolitotropic and reparative properties, determined the development of methods for its immobilization on surgical sutures. The attention is focused on the further research of new seam materials with biologically active substances. Due to the lack of sufficiently substantiated facts and the availability of the problem of the choice of suture material in operations on the intestines, this topic is relevant.
morphology, surgical suture material, small intestine
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 13-16 pages, index UDK 616.341 – 089.166:615.468.6:616 – 035