About the author:
Tsyhykalo O. V., Popova I. S., Oliinyk I. Yu.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The adverse effect of exogenous and endogenous factors on the human embryo during prenatal development cause a variety of mutations at the cellular level, changes of tissues differentiation and often leads to developmental disorders. Ukraine ranks second in the structure of newborn mortality, and their main cause is congenital malformations. Congenital malformations of neck are characterized by the severity of functional disorders, as in this relatively small part of the body are present organs of different systems and different sources of embryonic origin. Moreover, these organs are located in close topographic and anatomical interrelations. The aim of the study was to analyze contemporary views on the embryogenesis of some variants of structure and anomalies of the neck, and to compare data of the latest scientific research on causes and pathological ways of eliminating abnormalities of ways of development of neck structures. In general, lateral and middle cysts and fistulas of neck make up about 2% of all defects in the development of neck region. Pathohistological studies of the medial and lateral cysts of the neck are rare, and moreover, have been conducted a long time ago. In Ukrainian scientific sources, the branchial cysts of the neck have a synonym for “branchiomas”. The question congenital fistulas and neck cysts origin indicates a lack of results and unified view of the authors. According to most authors, anomalies of the development of brandiogenous group of glands arise when, according to the theory of critical periods, the rudiments of organs most actively develop. The prerequisites for congenital malformations occurrence are the result of a deviation from normal human organogenesis. The definitive syntopic effect on the formation and reduction of thyroid gland duct makes sublingual bone, especially during the 8th week of human prenatal development. Since glandular tissue, that is derived from pharyngeal pockets, migrates during prenatal development, the remnants of glandular tissues can often be delayed in the course of their displacement. In scientific literature of recent years there is direct evidence, indicating the inherited nature of various congenital anomalies of development, in particular the congenital medial and lateral fistulas and cysts of neck, as well as the possibility of their appearance in the absence of hereditary factors that can cause teratogenic effects. Clinically, medial cysts manifests in the form of small painless tumor-shaped formations of round shape, with a smooth surface and a dense-elastic consistency. Branchyogenic cysts have slow grow, the first symptoms appear in the period from 3 months to 6 years. The content of cysts is viscous, transparent (in the absence of infection), the wall consists of fibrous tissue, lined by a multilayer flat epithelium, (epitheliocytes are usually located in 3-5 layers). Prismatic ciliated epithelium, which firstly extends from the inside of the cyst, malignates into flat due to high pressure. Dermoid neck cyst belong to the group of teratoma; inside they are filled with sebaceous and sweat glands, lined with keratinized epithelium. These cysts are located on the places of fusion of embryonic cavities, which go deep into the folds of the epidermis. Dermoid cysts are formed as a result of damaging ectoderm, when its part is separated from the core mass. Such cysts may occur under the tongue and inside its mass, under the muscles of the bottom of oral cavity, in the nasal region, and in supramaxillary region. The incidence of congenital defects of human neck is not critically high, but remains stable. There are controversial points of view on the timing and sources of their development, which remains an urgent issue for further in-depth anatomical studies. A comprehensive, multidisciplinary approach to embryogenesis and formation of congenital neck malformations will lead to a qualitatively new level in their prevention, timely diagnosis and effective surgical treatment without postoperative complications.
prenatal ontogenesis, congenital anomalies of the neck, fetus, human
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 79-83 pages, index UDK 611.93.012.2