About the author:
Rashkivska І., Kornuta N.
Type of article:
Scentific article
To date, in the whole world, in some of the children there is a disorder of physical development in the postnatal period. Among the causes of these disorders may be the influence of various physical, biological and chemical factors on the “mother-fetus” system. The influence of chemicals, in particular pesticides, causes the specific concern. It is known that some pesticides can overcome the transplacental barrier and have a detrimental effect on the development of the fetus. Physical development is one of the integrative indicators of the state of the organism, the biological maturity of all its systems. Physical development is understood as a complex of morphofunctional properties of an organism, due to the dynamic process of growth. Observations on its development in the postnatal period can reveal individual characteristics. These observations include the study of appearance, body weight, linear and volumetric dimensions during age-related changes, under the condition of optimal assimilation of nutrients and favourable environmental conditions. Under the influence of various negative factors on a developing organism, including pesticides, its physical development may be delayed and in the future it leads to the unpredictable consequences, in particular morphological and functional changes in the body. The influence of pesticides, on the physical development of the offspring, in particular synthetic pyrethroids, is not sufficiently investigated, which is why it is an urgent task of toxicology at the present stage. Our research was conducted at Wistar Hannover male and female rats, which were exposed in the pre- and postnatal period orally by zeta-cypermethrin at doses 5; 12.5; 35; 70 mg/ kg bw. The offspring physical development was investigated from 0 to 60 postnatal day. The obtained results show that the effect of zeta-cypermethrin in the pre- and postnatal period on male and female rats is dose-dependent and characterized by sexual sensitivity. The exposure with zeta-cypermethrin in pre- and postnatal periods at doses 5 mg/kg and 12.5 mg/kg did not affect on the physical development of male and female rats. The exposure with zetacypermethrin in pre- and postnatal periods at doses of 35 mg/kg and 70 mg/kg causes a retardation in the physical development of the offspring.
pesticides, synthetic pyrethroids, zeta-cypermethrin, postnatal period, physical development
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 90-95 pages, index UDK 632.95.024:591.145:591.366