Usenko T. V.


About the author:

Usenko T. V.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Evaluation of hematological parameters is an obligatory component of toxicological studies for identification of potential risks and safety usage justification for human health. Monitoring of hematotoxicity divided into core tests and special assays, one of which are cytochemical analyses. Goal. The aim was to investigate the cytochemical status of Wistar Hannover rats peripheral blood leukocytes after acute oral intoxication with generic fungicides of the triazole group: epoxiconazole technical, 95%, cyproconazole technical, 95% and tebuconazole technical, 97%. Object and methods. Experiments were conducted on Wistar Han male rats. Doses in equivalent of 1/2 LD50 for each test substance were administrated once orally by gavage to 5 experimental rats: 1580 mg/kg/bw for epoxiconazole group, 175 mg/kg/bw for cyproconazole group, 1700 mg/kg/bw for tebuconazole group. Peripheral blood smears were studied at 1, 3, 7, 14 days after exposure. Cytochemical investigations of specific naphtol-AS-Dchloracetate esterase in neutrophils, succinate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase in lymphocytes were studied. Results. As a result, reorganization of metabolism in rats blood cells has been established due to the toxic effect of triazoles. Inhibition of succinate dehydrogenase and acid phosphatase in lymphocytes was determined after tebuconazole exposure. Activation of phagocytic and proteolytic function of neutrophils was shown. Predominance of catabolic processes in lymphocytes was observed. Also compensatory increase of redox reactions was demonstrated. Shifts of the enzymes cytochemical activity were both: reversible and irreversible (in particular, after exposure to tebuconazole). Conclusion. Due to obrained results studied generic triazole fungicides changed the cytochemical status of Wistar Hannover rats peripheral blood leukocytes and have hematotoxic action in conditions of acute oral toxicity study.


naphtol-AS-D-chloracetate esterase, succinate dehydrogenase, acid phosphatase, triazole fungicides, hematotoxicity


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 95-99 pages, index UDK 615.9:616.15:615.099