About the author:
Shtapenko O. V., Hevkan I. I., Slyvchuk Yu. I., Syrvatka V. Y., Matvienko N. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Pregnancy is a period of increased metabolic demands with changes in a female’s physiology and the requirements of a growing fetus. The aim of the research was to determine the effect of subcutaneous injections of Mn glutamate in liposomal forms on the reproductive system and the process of embryogenesis of experimental female rat. Experimental studies were conducted on female rats Wistar aged 2,5-3 months with body weight of 180-200 g. Rats were divided into 3 groups: two experimental groups, which were subcutaneously injected with 2,75 mg/kg Mn glutamate in liposomal form one week before fertilization and during fertilization, and a control group, animals of which received distilled water. The number of corpora lutea, implantation, live fetuses and fetal resorptions were examined. Implantation index, preimplantation and postimplantation losses were also evaluated in this in this experiment. Results. Experimental results showed that the administration of Mn glutamate 7 days before fertilization and during fertilization significant increased the number of corpora lutea of pregnancy (p<0.001), number of live fetuses (p<0.001) due to the decrease in general and preimplantation embryonic mortality compared with the control group. The experimental results showed improvement in key indicators of embryonic development. We observed significant increase in the number of implanted embryos on 1 female at 10.7±0.26 and 11.3±0.21 (p<0.001) (9.4±0.16 vs. control group) and decrease of the number of resorption in the female rats treated with Mn glutamate as compared with the control group. Analysis of the performance of embryonic development in the groups receiving the Mn glutamate one week before fertilization and during mating found improvement in embryonic development compared with the control group. We observed significant decrease of preimplantational mortality and, particularly, the postimplantational mortality and the general gestational losses in both experimental groups. Conclusions. Summarizing the analysis of the obtained results it can be argued that the introduction of Mn glutamate has a beneficial effect on the processes of embryonic development in the experimental conditions.
organic compounds, manganese, reproductive system, embryogenesis
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 103-106 pages, index UDK 546.711:591.33:613.63