About the author:
Malyshevska O. S.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose is to develop waste-free technology recycling of household waste plastic bottles and packaging, based on mechanically processing, which eliminates the destructive changes in polymers and prevents the formation of dangerous chemicals. Methods. The study was based on in-situ and laboratory methods in which complexes of general and special methods of research were used. Among them are the following: method of bibliographical analysis of scientific information, bibliosemanic method concerning analysis of information about current approaches to the treatment of solid waste; methods of laboratory and hygienic field experiments. Results and conclusions. Usage of mechanical activation in the processing of plastic waste can reduce the number of processing stages from 11 to 6 ones. Established technology reduces the needs for energy and material resources aimed at recycling in several times. At the same time the processing of this type of waste becomes more intensive. Created technology reduces the needs for energy and material resources necessary for recycling plastic waste mixture in several times. At the same time the processing of this type of waste becomes more intensive which improves: ecological and hygienic living conditions of the population by reducing the amount of plastic waste requiring disposal; hygienic conditions in temporary storage, transportation and disposal of waste, which is in crisis close to environmental disaster in the most of cases; an impact on environment caused by plastic waste and means used for their transportation, sorting, separation, recycling and disposal. The final product received as a result of this technology introduction is a mixture of plastic waste. It can be used as a filler for soft toys, mattresses, hypoallergenic pillows; as a filler in concrete mixture during construction of drinking water reservoirs, installation of sewage networks, construction of storage facilities for storage of previously used chemicals and waste. Introduction of plastic waste into concrete mixtures during the construction of reservoirs prevents a migration of water and chemicals from containers. It can be used as easily reusable and renewable adsorbent with high surface during oil spills, and as a component of mechanical treatment of drinking water and treatment of sewage systems. Conclusions. The introduction of developed technology will reduce not only the number of highly dangerous waste stored in landfills by 85% but will reduce impact on the environment and improve environmental and sanitary living conditions of the population as well.
hygiene of waste, sanitation, recycling of plastic waste, recycling of plastic packaging, mechanical recycling of plastic waste
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 122-126 pages, index UDK 628.544:628.39+544 – 14(045)