About the author:
Hasanova V. L., Faradjev Z. G., Salehov A. E.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Purpose. To study the clinical course and immune status in patients with allergodermatoses, associated with intestinal parasitosis. Methods. Surveyed 340 patients with allergic dermatosis, of which 266 are marked allergodermatosis combined with parasitosis: ascariasis – 67, lot – 61, strongyloidiasis – 72,0, with trihozefaleza – 38, giardiasis – 76; 74 patients with self-allergic (without parasitosis). The control group consisted of 56 healthy individuals without allergodermatosis and parasitosis. All subjects underwent General clinical, parasitological, allergological, immunological studies. Results. Lesion of 5.0-10.0% of the skin surface in comparison with independent allergodermatosis (59.5±5.7%) was more often observed in patients with combined allergodermatosis: with giardiasis (88.1±3.7%; P0, 001), with strongyloidosis (79.2±8.3%; P0, 05), with ascariasis (74.6±5.3%; P0, 05), with enterobiosis (60.7±6.3%; P0, 05), with trichocephalosis (57.9±8.0%; P0,05). The lesion of 10.0-20.0% of the skin surface with a relatively equal frequency was noted in patients with combined and independent allergodermatosis. 20,0-30,0% of the skin surface was affected more often in patients with combined allergodermatoses: with strongyloidosis (16,6±7,6%; p>0,05), with ascariasis (16,4±4,5%; P0,05), with giardiasis (16,2±4,2%; p>0,05), with trichocephalosis (15,7±5,9%; P0,05, 05, 10,0%), with enterobiosis (13.7±4.4%; p>0.05). Skin rashes in the form of urticaria, erythematous papular, erythematousvesicular and bullous elements were more often observed in patients with combined allergodermatosis: with strongyloidosis 79.8±8.8% (P0, 001), with giardiasis 79.0±4.7% (P0,001), with ascariasis 74.6±5.3% (P0,001), with trichocephalosis 63,2±7,8% (P0,05), with enterobiosis 47,5±6,4% (P0,05), and in patients with independent allergodermatosis 44,6±5,8%. The number of T and B lymphocytes compared to healthy individuals, respectively (67.9±6.2%; 21,4±5,5%), in patients with combined and independent allergodermatosis was low and amounted to (51,9±4,8% P0, 05; 16,6±3,6% p>0,05) and respectively 56,2±5,8% P0, 05; 20,5±4,7% p>0,05. The number of 0 lymphocytes compared with healthy individuals (10.7±4.1%) was higher by 2 times – in patients with independent allergodermatosis (23.3±5.0%; P0,05) and 3 times in patients with allergodermatosis, combined with parasitosis (31.5±4.5%; P0,001). A sharp increase in eosinophils in the blood of patients with allergodermatosis, combined with parasitosis (25.9±4.2%; P0, 001) and in patients with independent allergodermatosis (16,4±4,3%; P0,01) in comparison with the control group (5,3±3,0%). IgE was also increased in patients with allergic dermatosis, associated with parasitosis (382,4±8.7% of IU/ml; P0,001) and patients self-allergic (287,7±11,5% IU/ml; P0,001) in comparison with the practically healthy persons (137,5±8,4% IU/ml). Conclusion. Revealed that among the significant number of allergic are allergic, associated with parasitosis, often with giardiasis, ascariasis, enterobiasis. Clinical manifestations in allergodermatosis with high frequency are expressed in patients with combined allergodermatosis, which is explained by a greater degree of allergization in these patients, confirmed in the study by a high content of eosinophils and IgE.
allergic, associated with parasitosis, lymphocytes, immunological studies
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 146-149 pages, index UDK 616.5-002-056.43:616.6 -036.1-097