About the author:
Maloshtan L. N., Shatalova O. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The results of the study of the effect of Phenosin (tablets on the basis of dry extract of the bark of aspen and bismuth subcitrate) on hematological blood parameters in rats with experimental ulcerative colitis are compared with the plant preparation Altan. It has been established that Phenosin has a pronounced antiulcer, antiinflammatory and antipyretic effect on the model of acute experimental colitis in rats which results in a positive effect on blood hematologic parameters, including the level of transferrin. After the administration of Phenosin in the treatment-prophylactic regimen at a dose of 50 mg/kg against a statistically significant total reduction in the number of leukocytes by 1.4 times and a decrease of BSR by 1.3 times, there were no changes in the leukocyte formula compared to the control pathology. The result of treatment was also a significant increase in the number of red blood cells and hemoglobin level. The investigated drug exceeds the reference drug Altan by the effect on the studied blood indicators, which indicates the prospect of its use in the complex therapy of inflammatory diseases of the large intestine, namely, with nonspecific ulcerative colitis. Against the background of this model pathology transport proteins-transferrin, capable of binding iron and iron-binding capacity of transferrin, were studied. The possibility of the effect of Phenosin on total iron binding capacity (TIBC), unsaturated iron binding capacity (UIBC) and iron content in the serum was assessed on the background of experimental pathology in rats. In the group of animals of the control pathology, a significant increase in TIBC was observed, which indicates hemolysis of erythrocytes and an inflammatory process in the intestine. The increase in TIBC and UIBC was also reflected in transferrin in serum with a decrease of 1.5-fold. Phenosin significantly reduced the rates of TIBC by 1.25 times and ULBC in 1.89 times and increased the level of iron in the blood by 1.25 times, which, accordingly, increased the saturation of transferrin relative to the control pathology group. At the same time, the percentage of transferrin in the blood serum was close to that of the IC group – 54% and 60%, respectively. Under the influence of Altan, there was only a tendency to a decrease in the rates of TIBC and ULBC and an increase in serum iron levels, but no statistically significant changes were observed with respect to the control pathology group. Conclusions. The obtained results suggest that Phenosin in a dose of 50 mg/kg increases the saturation of transferrin in the blood by decreasing the iron-binding ability, thereby showing antiulcer effect due to a complex of active plant BAS and bismuth subcitrate.
experimental colitis, rats, hematological indixes, aspen bark
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 193-197 pages, index UDK 615.246 : 615.273 : 057.084 : 001.891.53