About the author:
Pavlovska M. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Expression of climacteric abnormalities in women with hypothyroidism, characterized by predominance of major climacteric symptoms. An alternative, and in some cases, additional, method of treatment is the use of non-hormonal drugs based on medicinal plant material containing phytoestrogens, as well as micronutrients. Thus, the search for effective and safe measures to support the adaptive capacity of the body of women, prevention and correction of the revealed violations remains unresolved and relevant to the problem. A promising solution to this problem is the appointment of women in the period of menopause non-hormonal drugs. The expressed therapeutic effect of antihomotoxic drugs in women is achieved over a longer period of time, with their correct appointment, virtually no contraindications and side effects, which makes their use safe in long-term use. The aim of the work was to compare the effectiveness of complex methods of treatment of climacteric syndrome in patients with concomitant hypothyroidism, by analyzing biochemical parameters before and after complex therapy using antihomotoxicological drugs. 65 patients aged 45-55 years with a climacteric syndrome and concomitant hypothyroidism were examined, patients were divided into two groups. In the 1st group, there were (30 patients) with hypothyroidism in the context of a climacteric syndrome who received only baseline therapy. The 2nd group consisted of 35 patients who, in addition to basic therapy, received therapy with antihomotoxic medicines: ClimactHel and Mulimen. Antihomotoxicological drugs can be widely used both for the reduction of symptoms of climacteric syndrome and for the treatment of vascular disorders. Scientific research and clinical practice have shown that treatment in the early stages of the development of climacteric syndrome positively affects the quality of life of women in subsequent years. A comparative analysis of the biochemical parameters of blood in the examined patients with COP and concomitant hypothyroidism, before and after a certain type of treatment, comparison of indicators with each other and with norms. Individual glycemic control is performed with the One Touch Basic Plus Express (Johnson & Johnson, USA), CHEKMATE (Caskade Medical inc., USA), Elite (Bayer, Germany). During the examination of patients with climacteric syndrome and concomitant hypothyroidism, we observe an increase in all studied biochemical parameters of the blood prior to the completion of two courses of complex therapy. In assessing the dynamics of biochemical indicators after two treatment cycles, there was a tendency towards a decrease in normal values in both treatment groups, but in the group using only baseline therapy, the indicators were closer to normative indicators. The overall effectiveness of the baseline therapy for climacteric syndrome was 63.3% of the women under study, with 26.7% of the patients having no objective improvement, and in 10% of patients there was some deterioration in their well-being. The effectiveness of complex treatment with the use of antihomotoxic drugs was less successful. Of the 35 patients who received comprehensive treatment at 54.3%, the general condition and biochemical parameters improved significantly, in 28.4%, the general condition and indices did not change and in 14.3% of the patients had negative treatment outcomes.
climacteric syndrome, hypothyroidism, antihomotoxicological therapy, basic therapy
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 213-217 pages, index UDK 618.173-008.6-085.015.32:616.441-008.64:577.1