About the author:
Trybrat T. A., Shyt S. V., Trybrat A. A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
For the last decades the world community has paid special attention to the problem of metabolic syndrome (MS), which has become extremely urgent. Taking into account, that amount of people with symptoms of MS in 2030 year will have reached up to 360 million, the problem of prevention, diagnostic and treatment has gained a huge scientific and practical importance. This issue predetermines the need of more improved principle of MS detection, more advanced detection of their etiological factors, pathogenesis and opportunity of prevention of complications. Nowadays the problem of pathogenetic basis of interaction of a various components of MS and function of thyroid gland have not been solved yet, in spite of high attention to determining different aspects of progression MS. In Ukraine in structure of an endocrinopathy pathology of a thyroid gland is on the first place on its prevalence (44%) and in the western regions this indicator reaches to 70% owing to iodine deficiency. The aim of this work was to estimate the prevalence of MS components among patients with thyroid dysfunction (TD) and to reveal violations of structural indicators of the thyroid gland functional activity. The object and methods of research. The research is based on examination of 78 patients with MS and TD, who were treated in the therapeutic department of Poltava city clinical hospital №3 and in day hospital of Poltava clinical policlinic №3. There were 52% women and 48% men among patients. The results. The patients were divided into 3 groups on the results of the examination: the patients of the first group had TD without MS (26 participants), the second group of patients had MS without TD (18 participants) and the third group of patients had MS in a combination with TD (34 participants). The average age among participants in the firth group is 54,27 ± 3,01, the second – 54,27 ± 1,73, the third – 55,07 ± 2,93. There were such 5 components of the MS during the examination of patients in the groups: abdominal obesity (80%), arterial hypertension (82%), disorders of carbohydrate metabolism (49%), hypertriglyceridemia (19%) and dyslipoproteinemia (22%). On the results of ultrasound examination of thyroid gland we were discovered a high frequent prevalence of diffuse disorders of structure of thyroid gland among women and men with components of MS in combination with TD and in the group among patients with thyroid dysfunction without metabolic syndrome. The conclusion. The patients suffering from metabolic syndrome in combination with thyroid dysfunction had more often multicomponent variants of metabolic syndrome, worsening clinical manifestations and manifestations of a greater frequency of structural and functional disorders of the thyroid gland, reduction of functional activity of the thyroid gland. The prospects for further research. Further scientific research in these directions can prevent the progressive prevalence of metabolic syndrome, reduce the intensity of its consequences – cardiovascular and endocrine pathology, to reduce morbidity rate of metabolic syndrome and thyroid dysfunction among population.
metabolic syndrome, thyroid dysfunction, structural disorders, functional activity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 242-244 pages, index UDK 616.441 – 06: 616 – 008.9] – 07