About the author:
Shirinova F. V., Faradzheva N. A., Mamedov P. Z.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The aim is to identify risk factors of inefficiency of starting antibiotic therapy in soldiers with community-acquired pneumonia. Methods. 240 patients with community-acquired pneumonia (IP) were examined. According to the effectiveness of antibacterial therapy, the patients were divided into clinical groups: 211 patients (87.9%), in which antibiotic therapy was effective (ET group) and 29 patients (12.1%), who had been found to be ineffective “starting” therapy (NT group), which required the replacement of an antimicrobial drug. We analyzed the associations of the studied clinical and anamnestic indicators in the group of inefficiency of the “starting” therapy. Results. The distribution by the number of affected segments (lesion volume) in the groups divided by efficiency differed significantly (p=0.02586), and, as a percentage, in the group of HT, the defeat of 2 (48.3%) and 4 (13.8%) segments prevailed. It is not possible to determine the exact number of affected segments associated with the risk of treatment failure in our study. However, it can be concluded that polysegmental damage is characterized by the risk of ineffective starting treatment. Figure single and bilateral lung lesions also demonstrated a significant difference (p=0,01125) in groups, and in group NT was dominated by 2-sided defeat (24,1%) versus 7.6% in group FL. Fever > 38°C in the HT group was observed in 93.1%, and in the ET group – in 63.5% of cases, which was a significant difference between the groups (p=0.0116). Pleurisy in the group of NT was determined in 37.9%, and in the group of ET-in 15.6% of cases, significantly dividing the group (p=0.00363). Acute upper and lower respiratory diseases were significantly more common in the HT group (51.7%) than in the ET group (32.7%) (p=0.04403). Significant (p=0.00682) was the difference in the service life groups, with the NT group was dominated by the service life of up to 1 month (41.4%). At the same time, the combination of 2 or more of the above factors in one patient was significantly (p < 0.05) associated with the inefficiency of “starting” therapy. Such patients should be prescribed drugs with high microbiological activity, both in relation to gram-positive and gram-negative microorganisms (“protected” aminopenicillins, respiratory fluoroquinolones). Polysegmental, bilateral lung disease, high > 380C fever, the appearance of pleurisy, concomitant acute respiratory diseases of the upper respiratory tract, as well as the service life of up to 1 month are factors of inefficiency of starting antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in military conscripts. In the presence of 2 or more risk factors for the inefficiency of antibiotic therapy of community-acquired pneumonia in the named contingent of patients, it is advisable to start starting therapy with broad-spectrum drugs (“protected” aminopenicillins, respiratory fluoroquinolones). Conclusion. The results of the study allow to expand the possibilities of prevention of inefficiency of starting antibiotic therapy in conscripts and to extrapolate them to young people in the population as a whole.
community-acquired pneumonia, aminopenicillins, fluoroquinolones, military, young people
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 248-251 pages, index UDK 616.24-002-008