Hasiuk P., Demkovych A., Rosolovska S., Vorobec A., Radchuk V., Bedeniuk O.


About the author:

Hasiuk P., Demkovych A., Rosolovska S., Vorobec A., Radchuk V., Bedeniuk O.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Article presents the specifics of the introduction of a new model of the organization of the educational process – European Credit Transfer and Accumulation System (ECTS) into the educational process. The principal difference between such a design systems of the discipline «Modern technologies of solid-cast prosthetics» was structuring it’s into sections and the introduction of credit scorings as a unit for measuring student’s educational load. Among the disciplines studying at the Department of Prosthetic Dentistry in I. Horbachevsky Ternopil State Medical University, the new curriculum provides study of selective discipline «Modern technologies of solid-cast prosthetics» for the 4th year of English-speaking students. Teaching of discipline is conducted in English and provides lectures, seminars, individual work of students and ends with credit scorings. Knowledge and skills acquired by English-speaking foreign students in the study of the discipline «Modern technologies of solid-cast prosthetics», which aims at a detailed study of the technological aspects of the manufacture of prosthetic constructions, is a necessary component of the professional competence of a dentist. Assimilation of each subject of the credit is controlled by practical classes, where the student is awarded grades on the 4-point (traditional) scale, which are converted into rating scale scores, which encourages students to study systematically during the education year. The evaluation of theoretical knowledge and practical skills, determined by the ultimate goals of studying the program, is accomplished by adding to the sum of the points of the current score of achievement for the execution of individual tasks, and the form of final control is the score. The absence of specialized English-language literature, which corresponds to the contents of the curriculum of selective discipline «Modern technologies of solid-cast prosthetics» for the fourth year foreign students of the Dentistry Faculty, prompted the authors to publish a textbook on a selective course «Aesthetic aspects of prosthetic design». The development of orthopedic dentistry is aimed at improving methods of treatment to improve the effectiveness of providing dental care. Therefore, the knowledge and skills acquired by English-speaking foreign students in studying the discipline «Modern technologies of solid-cast prosthetics» and is a necessary component of the formation of professional competencies of a modern doctor-dentist.


selective discipline, foreign students, prosthetic dentistry, credit score


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 261-263 pages, index UDK 611.24:8.14.01