About the author:
Yefimenko A. S., Korol D. M., Odzhubeiska O. D., Korol M. D.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The paper presents the investigation results of implant micro- and macrorelief characteristics after sandblasting, where the implants become relief objects with the surface consisting of numerous lacunas. The special device for macro photography was designed and manufactured for results achievement. It includes strong metal base, vertical stand with worm gearbox focusing mechanism used for accurate image focusing. The optical head consists of VEB camera and lens. The research has determined that the lenses of the majority of commonly used VEB cameras have low resolving power and in terms of macro photography they substantially change the configuration of the objects due to distortion and, therefore, can’t be used for this purpose. However, the matrix has quite sufficient resolving power. For this reason the standard VEB camera lens was changed for high-quality microplanar lenses with focal length 40 and 60 mm. The corresponding screw adapters were used for connection of mentioned objects with VEB camera. The correct choice of lighting is an important condition for objective and quality image obtaining. The devise was equipped with illuminator containing fluorescent lamp (9) on a special stand (10) used as the source of light, which provided the luminous flux direction in wide range. Fluorescent lighting made it possible to maintain the normal color reproduction of VEB camera. It should be considered that the depth of field in macro photography is limited and decreases with the increase in magnification degree. Therefore, the correct choice of magnification for particular object is the compromise between the choices of required depth of field and image scale. VEB camera was connected to computer using USB connector. The most VEB cameras are equipped with software which provides the access for adjustment of brightness and contrast of the image in a wide range as well as color gamut regulation. The necessary relief on the surface of the implants is formed in the process of sandblasting and surface hardening is carried out in this case. It is logical to assume that the relief depth is determined by the size of the abrasive particles, and the degree of hardening – by the particles shape. The investigation was conducted with electrocorndum F60, F80, F120, which differed in the average size of abrasive particles. The micro- and macrostructures of the implant surfaces were examined with microscope and PMT-3 microhardnesser to determine the depth of microrelief (lacuna). Considering the dial gauge indications with 1 micrometer dividing point fixed on microscope, the depth of the implant microrelief can be detected.
dental implants, micro and macroreliefs, macro photography, lacunas
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 274-277 pages, index UDK 616-089.843-77-024.5-07