About the author:
Yanishen I. V., German S. A., Yarina I. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Silicone imprints are the most common in modern clinical practice. They are comfortable in work, very precise and allow to make high-quality working plaster models. The exact imprint of the tissues of the prosthetic bed is the main requirement for imprint materials. However, silicone materials have different physical and mechanical characteristics under the influence of disinfection. In order to determine the volume changes of the prints due to chemical disinfection, was received 50 prints from the metal master models by A-silicone materials presented in the Ukrainian market, namely: “Stomavid” (JSC “Stoma”, Ukraine), “VPS Hydro” (HS Dental, Germany), “Prestige” (Vannini Dental) Italy. The prints were obtained according to the clinical recommendations presented in the manufacturer’s instructions using standard metal punched spoons. After receipt of the prints were divided into groups depending on the method of decontamination. The prints were immersed in a container in such a way that the thickness of the layer of solution above the surface was at least 1 cm or irrigated with a disinfectant, depending on the manufacturer’s instructions. In group I – the prints were irrigated with a solution of “Aerodizine” within 30 seconds; In group II, the prints were immersed in a concentrated solution of “MD-520” for 5 minutes; Group III – in 10% solution of “Lizofarmin-3000” for 10 minutes; in group IV – 0,25% solution “Surfanius Premium” with an exposure of 15 minutes; in the V group – the control, the prints were not disinfected, 2 hours after the receipt of the specimen cast the plaster model. After disinfection, the prints were washed under running water for 1 minute. The precision was studied using an electron microscope XS-3330 (“MICromed”, North Korea). A comparison of the sizes of a specially manufactured metrical high-precision metal model with corresponding sizes of plaster models, cast on reflections from A-silicone material was carried out. The purpose of the study was to made a comparative assessment of the influence of the exposure of disinfectants on the dimensional accuracy of the impression A-silicone materials in comparison with the metal master model. The obtained data indicate that, in general, methods of disinfection of A-silicone impression materials did not significantly affect the relative dimensional accuracy of gypsum models, in the range 0.03-0.066%, which differs from the control group with no stage of disinfection of impressions by less than 0,04%. The study showed that disinfection does not have a significant effect on the dimensions of A-silicone impression materials and gypsum models obtained from them. Excess duration of disinfection affects the quality of the impressions and the accuracy of the manufactured non-removable prosthesis designs.
A-silicone material, impression materials, dimensional accuracy, disinfection
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 285-288 pages, index UDK [616.314-77:678.84]:615.28:53.08