About the author:
Gushcha S. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Among the mineral waters (MW) used in nephrology, a group of weakly mineralized waters (mineralization to 1 g/l) with a high content of biologically active components and compounds such as silicon, organic matter, hydrogen sulfide, etc. plays a special role. Under the influence of such MW, diuresis increases due to the activation of urinary processes, excretory renal function is activated, urine pH changes, water-electrolyte metabolism is stimulated, urinary tract spasm decreases. Experimental studies were carried out on 80 white rats-females of the Wistar line of auto-bred breeding with a body weight of 180.0 – 200.0 g. Animals were divided into 6 groups. Group 1 – healthy rats (control comparison group). Group 2 – animals with jade, 3, 4, 5 and 6 groups – animals with jade, who received the course of 7 days after the pathology reproduction, in the mode of free access to drinking the corresponding MW. The nephrite model was reconstituted by a single subcutaneous injection of 0.5 mg of uranyl acetate dissolved in 0.5 ml of a 50% aqueous solution of glycerol per 100 g of body weight of the rat. Morphological studies were performed on the 8th day of the experiment. The histological sections of the kidneys were stained with hematoxylineosin. Microscopic studies of structural changes in the kidneys and histochemical reactions were carried out on the received sections by determining the activity of succinate dehydrogenase (SDG) and lactate dehydrogenase (LDG) according to the word Loydi. Two weakly mineralized MW (up to 1 g/l) with high content of organic substances (OS). Two MW with different content OS and different osmolarity (groups 3 and 4) and two weakly mineralized silicon MW with different content of methacrylic acid and different osmolarity (groups 5 and 6). In group 2 histologically found that Bowman’s space is slit. The part of the renal corpuscles is wrinkled, reduced in size, the internal structure is not readable. The effusive tubules are partially filled with eosinophilic homogeneous mass, the epithelium is represented by irregularly located nuclei. In the part of the tubules, the epithelium is clearly represented, the cytoplasm is swollen, until the lumen closes; epithelial cells nuclei are enlarged, rounded, pale colored, inside the renal vessels are steadily full-blooded. The activity of SDG and LDG in destroyed tubules decreased by 50% (p <0.001). In group 3 the activity of SDG and LDG in stored tubules was reduced by 30% and 34% (p <0.001). There are definitive traces of nephron damage. A significant number of tubules is replaced by cell lobes in the tubule capsule. In group 4 the activity of SDG and LDG in stored tubules was completely restored (p> 0.5). The reduction of the inflammatory process in the kidneys is determined, but the restoration of their structure does not occur. In group 5 the activity of SDG in stored tubules was completely restored (p> 0.5), LDG activity in stored tubules increased by 16%. A strengthening of functional activity of the preserved part of kidney parenchyma has been established. In group 6 the activity of SDG in stored tubules was completely restored (p> 0.5), LDG activity was increased by 16%. Recovery of dead channels is not observed, but in saved channels there are signs of high functional activity.MW with high content OS (in the 3rd and 4th group of animals) have a one-way moderate corrective effect with some predominance of MW (Group 4). This MW differs from the previous larger OS (20.85 vs. 11.55 mg/l) and osmolarity greater by 40% (17.0 vs. 12.0 mosm/l). Silicon MW has an even more restorative effect than MW with high content SO. At the same time, the same tendency is observed: MW used in group 6 has a much greater osmolality (50.6 vs. 10.2 mosm/l) and the content of methacrylic acid (210.0 vs. 36.0 mg/l) and makes a larger corrective effect than MW of group 5. Thus, the osmolarity and the presence of certain biologically active substances in the composition of MW, namely the silicon compounds (acting in microdoses), is decisive in the reparative effect on the activity of oxidationreduction processes and the preservation of the vital activity of the kidneys in the acute phase of their toxic damage.
experimental nephritis, structural and functional state of the kidneys, mineral water, metasilicic acid, organic substances, osmolarity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 301-306 pages, index UDK 615.327.015.4:616.61-002-092.9