About the author:
Kuzovkova S. D., Liskina I. V., Zagaba L. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The main condition for the development of a chronic infection, such as pulmonary tuberculoma, is a long persistence of the pathogen in the human body, which can be associated with both the peculiarities of the mycobacterium tuberculosis itself and with impaired local immunity of the macro-organism. Well known that macrophages play the central role both in the host protective immune response and control of infection, and in the maintenance of chronic infection and its associated tissue damage and pathology. Macrophages take part in an early nonspecific inflammatory response to infection, in the formation of a specific immune response, participate in a cellular-mediated immune response, which determines their key role in the eradication of the infection or, conversely, in its development. Immunohistochemical method of detecting mycobacterial antigens allows detects their presence in various cells, including macrophages, in tissue as well as extracellularly. Dynamics and biological significance of mycobacterial antigens in various structures of pulmonary tissue in postprimary tuberculosis of tuberculomas not been well studied. The aim of the study was the analysis and comparison of the expression pattern of mycobacterial antigens and CD68 + cells in various structures of lung tissue with tuberculoma at different activity of tuberculosis inflammation. The material of the study was 34 surgically resected lung segments or lobes with tuberculoma: 19 cases with the high degree and 15 cases with morphologically low degree of activity of specific inflammation. Immunohistochemical study was performed using AUTOSTAINER 360-2D system manufactured by Thermo Fisher Scientific (USA) and reagents its company with UltraVision Quanto imaging system. A polyclonal antibody to M. tuberculosis (Mycobacterium tuberculosis Antibody PA1-7231) manufactured by Pierse (USA) and monoclonal antibody CD68 (Macrophage marker) were used. Microscopic examination of the samples was performed using microscope Olympus BX51, magnifications x100, х400. CD68+ cells and cells with MBT antigens were revealed mainly in capsule of tuberculoma, neighboring areas of distelectasis, and alveoli. It was established that infected macrophages predominate in the capsule of tuberculoma, in the adjacent regions of the distelectase and in the alveoli at a morphologically high degree of activity of the tuberculous inflammatory process. The lowering of the activity of a specific inflammatory process is characterized by both a decrease in the number of cells with the expression of mycobacterial antigens and the number of CD68+ cells in the capsule tuberculoma, alveolar spaces and sites of the distelectase near the capsule.
pulmonary tuberculoma, morphological activity, inflammation, immunohistochemistry
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 319-324 pages, index UDK 616-002.592-097:612.215.3:576.852.211