About the author:
Sikora V., Lyndin M., Moskalenko R., Romaniuk A.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The study of the connection between the environmental pollution with the heavy metal salts (HMS) and the development of the various pathologies in the body is one of the important problems of our time. It has been proved that the urinary bladder (UB) is among those organs that are affected by the various exogenous factors, which damage its protective barriers, such as the glycosaminoglycan (GAG) layer that protects the urothelial cells from the aggressive urine components. The nature of the pathologies in the organ varies considerably, depending on the causes of the damage of the layer integrity. Thus, the object of the research is to study the features of the changes in the GAG layer of the UB urothelium of the rats under the simulated effect of the heavy metals salts on the body and correction of their influence with vitamin E. The experimental study was carried out on the UB of the albino male rats that were given the HMS mixture (II group) and HMS with vitamin E (III group) during 30 and 90 days. Histological samples were stained with the alcian blue. The results of our study demonstrate that deep damages and gaps in the GAG layer that broke its tightness appeared in the 2nd and 3rd series on the 30th day of the experiment. However, when the experiment was extended up to 90 days, the depth and the intensity of these abnormalities decreased due to the thickening of the GAG layer. It should be mentioned that the damages of the GAG layer in the UB of the III group were less expressed and had the signs of the rapid restoration of its integrity compared to the group without corrector. The intake of HMS damages the integrity of the GAG layer. However, the additional application of vitamin E helps to reduce the harmful effect of the pollutants and improves the tightness of the protective layer. The consequences of these changes depend on the duration of the experiment and have the signs of the compensatory restoration of the GAG layer in the period of the research extension.
glycosaminoglycans, urinary bladder, heavy metals
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 329-331 pages, index UDK 616.62-092.9:616.63:615.356:577.161.3