About the author:
Belyaeva N. M., Yavorovenko O. B., Kurylenko I. V., Danylenko Yu. A., Cheklysheva I. M.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The purpose of this study was to investigate the rehabilitation route of antiterrorist operation (ATO) participants with disabilities. Object and methods of investigation. 3947 individual rehabilitation program (IRP) participants of ATO with disabilities from 19 regions of Ukraine were studied and questionnaires of regional medical and social expert commissions (MSEC) doctors were conducted. The questionnaire is compiled according to the structure of the IRP, including rehabilitation route questions. Results. Analysis of the rehabilitation route of ATO participants with disabilities showed that various participants in the rehabilitation process take part in the complex rehabilitation. So medical care services are provided by civilian medical institutions (53.3%) and specialized military assistance institutions (46.7%); psychological services are provided by practical psychologists (28.6%), centres and departments of medical and psychological rehabilitation (24.8%), hospitals of veterans of war (24.5%), less often – psychiatric hospitals (18.4%), public organizations (10.2%); services from physical rehabilitation – mainly by civilian medical institutions. Services from vocational rehabilitation are provided by employment centres (68.0-73.9%), centres and departments of vocational and social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities (24.0-30.8%), educational institutions of the Ministry of Education and Science of Ukraine I-IV accreditation levels. In order to provide services for labor rehabilitation (the adaptation and creation of a workplace taking into account the safety and special needs) persons with disabilities are directed at the place of work (47.2%) or employment centres (44.4%), for rational employment – in employment centres (51.5%), centres and departments of social work and occupational rehabilitation of persons with disabilities (27.3%), public organizations and other non-state institutions (21.2%). For receiving physical cultural and sports rehabilitation services they were sent to the centres of physical culture and sports of persons with disabilities, centres and departments of social rehabilitation of persons with disabilities, public organizations; for social and community rehabilitation – to territorial centres of social assistance department of labor and social protection of the population, prosthetic enterprises, public organizations. Technical means are obtained in the department of labor and social protection of the population, and medical products are used in treatment and prophylactic institutions. Conclusions. For satisfaction the needs of ATO participants with disabilities in services, means and products of rehabilitation, there is an extensive network of medical, social, vocational, and psychological organizations, most of which belong to civilian institutions, and less to specialized military assistance institutions, as well as public organizations, which in general created a system of medical and social rehabilitation of this contingent of persons with disabilities.
medical and social rehabilitation, antiterrorist operation (ATO) participants with disabilities, rehabilitation services providers
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 332-335 pages, index UDK 616-082:355.11-036.86(477)