About the author:
Barnich I. I., Romanova Y. G.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Among the inflammatory diseases of the periodontal disease, one of the leading places is chronic generalized periodontitis, which affects more than 90% of the world’s planet, and is marked by the steady increase in this pathology among young and middle-aged people. Modern epidemiological data show the ability of chronic diseases of periodontal tissues to serve as a trigger and supportive mechanism for the development of systemic pathologies, in particular gastrointestinal tract diseases, when the presence of H. pylori is detected in 92% of patients. The participation of H. pylori in the pathogenesis of non-gastric diseases, in particular, in the pathogenesis of periodontal diseases has been shown. Actual is the determination of the level of H. pylori in patients with chronic generalized periodontitis, associated pathology of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular chronic hyperacid gastritis. The purpose and objectives of the study were to assess the level of H. pylori in patients with moderate severity of CKD on the background of chronic hyperacidic gastritis (CGD) at the stage of planning a closed curettage for the choice of post-operative drug therapy. Research methods. A total of 80 patients (39 men, 41 women) aged 28 to 45 years old were examined, consisting of 2 groups: the main – 60 persons with chronic generalized periodontitis of moderate severity in the background of chronic hyperacidic gastritis and 20 practically healthy patients – a comparison group. A kinetic estimation of the level of H. pylori was performed on the concentration of ammonia in the air of the oral cavity using the urea breath test – UBT (urea breath tests). When the helicobacter pylori was detected, a quantitative study was carried out using a mass spectrometer. Depending on the percentage of carbon content in the exhaled air, there are 4 degrees of infection (percentage values): 1-3.4 light, 3.5-6.4 – average, 6.5-9.4 – severe, more than 9.5 – extremely difficult. Research results and their discussion. The respiratory UBT (urea breath tests) in the main group was prevalent – 31 (51.7%) patients with an average grade of H. pylori content, a slight degree was found in 23 (38.3%) people. Severe and very severe degrees of eradication of H. pylori were detected in 4 (6.7%) and 2 (3.3%) cases, respectively. Obtained evidence clearly reflects the presence of infectious gastritis in patients with H. pylori infection. In the comparison group, patients with severe and very severe levels of H. pylori were not found. At the same time, in 11 people (55%), the test results were normal, only 4 (20%) and 5 (25%) were examined, respectively, in light and moderate degrees. Considering that the degree of the course of the underlying disease involves the intensity of the severity of pathological changes in the periodontal disease, further research on the correlation between these indicators will be feasible. Conclusion. Thus, the findings of H. pylori in patients with moderate to severe HGP on the background of HGH indicate an advantage of an average level of eradication. Conducting H. pylori eradication control with non-invasive Urethane Respiratory Urea (Urea breath tests) in this category of patients will allow to substantiate the duration of closed curettage and to choose adequate therapy aimed at preventing complications in the postoperative period.
chronic generalized periodontitis, chronic hyperacid gastritis, Helicobacter pylori
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 356-359 pages, index UDK 616.314.17-002.4-036.12-08-084