About the author:
Kaskova L. F., Popyk K. M., Ulasevych L. P.
Type of article:
Scentific article
The studies of secondary teeth caries rates in children aged between 6 and 9 in the city of Poltava show low prevalence of 23.4±3.21%. An important aspect of studying children’s caries is the carious index which takes into account both, filled and unfilled carious teeth. Average carious index for secondary teeth in children of the studied age group was 0.35±0.05 of a tooth which is a rather low level. However, growth in the number of affected teeth with 7-year-olds (2nd grade) over 6-year-olds (1st grade) is impressive. This means, carious index grows significantly in the first year at school. This can be explained by the period of eruption of secondary teeth, as well as by adaptation to the new living environment (going to school, physical and psychoemotional load), which requires a detailed study of the factors affecting a child’s body in general and hard dental tissues in particular during this period of primary school. Therefore, age between 6 and 7 (first year at school) is important for doing activities aimed at increasing resistance of secondary teeth that have just erupted from the point of view of prevention of caries on first permanent molar teeth. This must be pointed out to parents and dentists working with this age population. We have estimated the highest carious index. The average highest index in children aged 6-9 was 2.2±0.11, which is far (6.3-fold) over the average secondary teeth carious index in the same group (0.35±0.05) (<0.05). Caries of first permanent molars localized on the chewing surface, in dental pits and fissures, was diagnosed in all cases. The process was progressive, within mantle dentine, which refers to Class I median progressive caries according to G.V. Black’s classification. Carious cavities had a narrow entrance with overhanging dental enamel so that carious cavities are hidden from children and their parents. The study of the level of child dental care was assessed based on def caries index in accordance with P.A. Leus recommendations. This was 29.5%, which is insufficient. This parameter corresponds to the need for treating childhood caries, which based on our estimates is 24.6%. A significant increase in caries rates with children aged 6-7 and insufficient level of dental care show a clear need for studying the triggers.
children, primary school, secondary teeth, carious index
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 366-369 pages, index UDK 616.314.5-7-002-053.5