About the author:
Udod A. A., Glіvynska A. O.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Objective: assessment of intraoral halitosis in patients with non-removable orthopedic structures. Object and methods of the study: 128 patients (72 women and 56 men) aged 35-55 years with non-removable orthopedic constructions in the oral cavity made by various technologies were examined. After the examination, 3 groups were formed from the patients. The first group consisted of 45 people with non-removable stamped-brazed dentures. The second group consisted of 39 people with non-removable, bridged, solid-cast dentures from cobaltchromium and chromium-nickel alloys. Patients of the third group (44 people) were put on by non-removable, solid bridges of titanium. The state of hygiene of the oral cavity was evaluated using the Green-Vermilion index. Halitosis was detected using the organoleptic method of R. Seemann (2002). Quantitative evaluation of volatile sulfur compounds in the exhaled air was carried out with a Halimeter (Interscan Corporation, USA). Results of the study. It has been established that the presence of non-removable dentures negatively affects the hygienic state of the oral cavity. The average value of the OHI-S hygiene index in patients was 0.99 ± 0.08 points, which corresponded to a satisfactory hygienic condition. The most pronounced disorders were observed in patients of the first group (with stamped-brazed prostheses) – hygiene level 1.29 ± 0.18 points; 60% of patients felt bad breath at a distance of 10 cm (the first level of halitosis), in 33.3% – at a distance of 30 cm (the second level of halitosis). Mild calorie (a reading of a halimeter in the range of 121-160 ppb) was recorded in 57.8% of patients in the first group, an average degree of halitosis (161-200 ppb) in 33.3% of patients; A severe degree (more than 200 ppb) was detected in 4.4%. Patients of the third group had a higher level of oral hygiene (0.64 ± 0.11 points); 65.9% of patients with fresh breath were detected; In 25% of the subjects, an unpleasant odor was felt at a distance of 10 cm; in 9,1% the second level of halitosis (unpleasant odor at a distance of 30 cm) was due to additional factors – difficulty in the eruption of third molars and complicated caries. The normal parameters of halimetry in the third group were found in 65.9% of cases. Malignancy of mild degree (121-160 ppb) was registered in 25% of patients of the third group. The average degree of halitosis (161-200ppb) was noted in 9.1% of patients with additional etiological factors of development of halitosis. Wires. As a result of the study, the relationship between the hygienic state of the oral cavity, the material and the technology of manufacturing of non-removable orthopedic structures and the degree of intraoral halitosis expression was revealed.
halitosis, fixed orthopedic constructions, hygiene of the oral cavity
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (144), 2018 year, 382-384 pages, index UDK 616.314-76-085.47