Zhyvotovska L. V., Skrypnikov A. M., Orlova O. V., Shkidchenko O. A.


About the author:

Zhyvotovska L. V., Skrypnikov A. M., Orlova O. V., Shkidchenko O. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


There are approximately 10 million new cases of various types of dementia every year. The places where professional assistance is provided in Ukraine for the treatment and care of patients with dementia are limited by the number of beds and may not always satisfy the need to provide these services. A theoretical study found that nearly 80% of dementia patients are cared for by their relatives. The reasons why people care for patients are obvious: family relationships, close affinity with the patient, marital relationships. The high level of caregiver burden has been found to be significantly related to both the family relationships and problems of dementia patients themselves and the availability of a care network for such patients. Physical, emotional and economic stress leads to stress and an increase in cases of depressive disorders and emotional exhaustion in caregivers. If you are depressed for an extended period of time, there is a risk of emotional exhaustion. Current scientific studies show that caregivers with dementia were 46% more likely to visit a general practitioner and 71% more likely to use medications than noncaregivers of the same age. More than 90% of people providing care for a loved one do not get enough rest at night. The results of theoretical studies of contemporary literature have shown the need for a detailed study of the clinical and psychological maladaptation of persons whose relatives are ill with dementia and ways of its psychocorrection. Professional health care tips related to the care of the problem, emotional support are necessary measures to prevent neurotic disorders. Individually designed complex interventions reduce the burden, improve the quality of life of the patient and caregiver. The article presents the relevance of the problem of accompanying patients with dementia and their relatives


patients with dementia, caregivers, peculiarities of psycho-emotional state, clinical and psychological maladaptation, psychosocial interventions.


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 26-30 pages, index UDK 616.899-053.9:616-083-055.5/7:159.9