About the author:
Ahmedov S. B.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Goal. Epidemiological analysis of the incidence of tuberculosis depending on the length of service among the military personnel of the Armed Forces of the Republic of Azerbaijan. Methods. Among military personnel (both male and female) with newly detected tuberculosis, age indicators were studied, as well as the incidence rate by season, depending on the service life. Military personnel who were diagnosed with tuberculosis in 2009-2018 were divided into 3 groups according to their service life. I. Tuberculosis patients in the first 3 months of military service. II. Tuberculosis patients for 3-6 months of military service. III. Tuberculosis patients after 6 months of military service. All the patients underwent a complex of subjective and objective methods of investigation, x-ray diagnostics, clinical laboratory tests, the final diagnosis was confirmed by doctors of the Main Clinical Hospital of the Armed forces (GLB sun), research Institute of pulmonary diseases of Ministry of Health of the Republic of Azerbaijan (Institute of LZ MZ AR), the Central military medical Commission (CVMQ). Results. A comparative analysis of the distribution of tuberculosis cases in the age groups of 18-29 (active-duty military personnel) and 30-49 years (most contractors) in 2009-2018 was carried out on the basis of data from the medical documentation of the GLZ of the armed forces. Incidence of tuberculosis among group III military personnel (after 6 months of service) it was characterized by the most pronounced character. In group I (incidence of tuberculosis in the first 3 months of military service), cases of tuberculosis in military personnel aged 18 to 29 years were observed in all the analyzed years. Patients 18-29 years old with tuberculosis in group I in the percentage ratio prevailed in comparison with other ages. The incidence of tuberculosis in all age groups in 2009-2018 was different depending on the length of military service. In 2016-2018, the incidence of tuberculosis in the age of 18-49 years increased after 6 months of service. That is, in 2016, patients included in group III aged 18-49 were 60.87% (18-29 years) and 91.67% (30-49 years). In 2017, the number of patients included in group III was 62% (18-29 years) and 100% (30-49 years). The frequency of patients included in group III in 2018 was 63.54% (18-29 years) + 100% (30-49 years). Conclusions. According to the analysis of the distribution of tuberculosis patients divided into groups by service life in 2009-2018, there is a decrease in the incidence of the disease in the following sequence: group III (patients after 6 months of service) – the highest, group I (patients in the first 3 months of service) – the average, group II (patients at 3-6 months of service) – its lowest.
military personnel, tuberculosis, military service period, age group.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 65-69 pages, index UDK 616–084:355.33:616–002.5