About the author:
Віlokur D. O., Bondarenko T. О., Lisun S. L., Sheiko V. І.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Indicators of systemic immunity in persons from uncontaminated territories of Sumy region were investigated. The purpose of our study is to establish the immune status of persons from the non-contaminated territories of Sumy region. Object and methods. The immunological examination was conducted by 100 persons aged 18-35 years from relatively ecologically clean territories of Sumy region. The common methods of setting the studied indicators are applied. Indicators of cellular immunity were determined by immunophenotyping and dyeing on RomanowskyGiemsa. Serum immunoglobulin levels were determined by radial immune diffusion in Mancini using monospecific sera. Phagocytic neutrophil count, phagocytic and immunoregulatory indices were calculated. Statistical processing of data is carried out. The study was conducted in accordance with bioethical standards in compliance with the current legislation of Ukraine. Results and their discussion. During the study period, the absolute and relative numbers of leukocytes, eosinophils, basophils, monocytes and lymphocytes in the examined patients were within the clinical norm. From the results of the study, it follows that the phagocytic number of neutrophils increases to the upper limit of clinical norm. A similar pattern is observed in terms of total and number of CD3, CD4, CD8, CD16 lymphocytes. The relative number of CD4 lymphocytes exceeds the clinical norm by 1.05 times, respectively. In the study group, the immunoregulatory index (IRI) is within normal range. Conclusions. Thus, after examining the indicators of systemic immunity of persons from relatively ecologically clean territories of Sumy region, obtained the results indicating some load of its cellular link. We believe that this can be explained by external factors: comorbidities, irrational lifestyle, imbalance of nutrition, etc.). Prospects for further research. We believe that the aforementioned results indicate the necessity to study the compensatory mechanisms of the immune system and their potential capabilities in ensuring the effective integrative activity of the human body. We hope that this scientific exploration will expand the current understanding of donosоlogical manifestations in the activity of the human immune system.
immune system, cellular part, humoral link, non-specific anti-infective protection.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 69-72 pages, index UDK 612.017.1