About the author:
Bondar Yu. Р.
Type of article:
Scentific article
A positive result after the courses of rehabilitation treatment in patients with osteoarthrosis, in particular gonarthrosis, is sufficiently short-lived. Frequent exacerbations, relapsing pain, although weakened after these courses of treatment, long-term use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, contribute to the development of complications. These provisions determine the need for the search and development of new medical technologies. The purpose of the work is to prove the possibility of including «magnesium oil» balneological means in treatment and prevention complexes to improve the quality of rehabilitation treatment of patients with osteoarthritis. Object and research methods. The material of this work was the results of a study of 60 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint. The material of this work was the results of a study of 60 patients with osteoarthritis of the knee joint. Among the examined patients: women – 37 people (62%), men – 23 people (38%). Duration of arthrosis: up to 3 years – 18%, up to 5 years – 20%, up to 10 years – 36%, more than 10 years – 26%. Research methods – clinical and medical history, general clinical, biochemical, statistical. The study of the level of pain, the functioning of the knee joints, quality of life was carried out using a complex of questionnaires – visualanalog pain scale (VAPS), algo-functional Leken index, Lysholm scale, EuroQol – 5D, magnesium deficiency test). Results. Patients with gonarthrosis at the beginning of spa treatment (ST) in the clinical sanatorium «Arcadia» of the State Border Service of Ukraine revealed a significant decrease in the quality of life and functional ability of the damaged joint. This was expressed in the presence of severe pain on the VAPS scale, and the data of the questionnaires, significant morning stiffness, a decrease in the ability to perform daily household and motor functions. When analyzing the results, it was found that the use of a natural therapeutic factor in the form of a balneological agent «Magnesium oil» together with the basic complex of spa treatment significantly improves the well-being of patients than the use of only one basic complex of ST. Significant changes in the studied parameters were noted in all groups Still, the data in the groups in which patients received «Magnesium oil» in addition to the basic treatment complex turned out to be more productive. Our studies have found that a combination of the local effect of «Magnesium oil» (applications) with its systemic effect (internal intake of diluted «Magnesium oil») somewhat improves the therapeutic effect. Conclusions. The advantage of the methods of combined use of the basic treatment complex with the balneological agent «Magnesium oil» was revealed on all the scales studied. The applied treatment complexes in patients with gonarthrosis («dry» carbonic baths, internal and external use of the balneological agent «Magnesium oil») help to reduce pain and increase motor activity in the joints, improve the quality of life, restore self-care ability and motor functions. The additional internal use of «magnesium oil» restores the course of specific metabolic processes in the body, which helps to improve metabolism in the cartilage. Minimization of side effects, ease of use and storage, cost-effectiveness due to the low cost of the procedure of balneological agent «Magnesium oil» in the spa and rehabilitation practice emphasizes its exceptional importance.
gonarthrosis, spa treatment, balneological agent «Magnesium oil».
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 82-86 pages, index UDK 616.72.3-007.2-085:[615.326+615.838.5