Volotovska N. V., Hudyma A. A.


About the author:

Volotovska N. V., Hudyma A. A.



Type of article:

Scentific article


Blood loss and ischemia are widely known as one of the main factors that cause pathogenic organism answer-reactions. The tourniquet inflation pressure on the extremity triggers local lipid peroxidation in muscles of shin and thie. However, scientific investigations, which totally described systemic manifestations of ischemicreperfusion syndrome complicated with blood loss are still few, especially data of lipid peroxydation activity in liver and kidney. Objective. The comparative characteristics of changes that occur in the main gland of detoxification of the body – the liver and the most important organ of excretion – kidney against the background of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome and against the background of modifications of trauma. Object and research methods. All the animals of our experiment were divided to 5 groups: 1) imposition of haemostatic tourniquet into the thigh for 2 hours; 2) modeling of blood loss in the volume of 40% from volume of circulating blood 3) combination of the thigh haemostatic tourniquet imposition and blood loss 4) mechanical trauma – fracture of the thigh bone 5) combination of the thigh haemostatic tourniquet imposition and mechanical trauma. Biochemical investigation of the liver and kidney has shown that every from of these experimental interventions had caused activation of lipid peroxidation in these organs with the most critical periods of 1st and 3rd day after trauma. Results and discussion. We have operated 160 rats. The organism under that influence of modifications of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome reacted on different levels – systemic violations were results of derivative influences from intracellular level. The highest increasing of malonic dialdehide rate was observed on the background of combination of the thigh haemostatic tourniquet imposition with blood loss. Additionally the malonic dialdehyde content was higher in the group of combination of the trauma and the tourniquet comparatively to isolated mechanical trauma. These facts confirmed role of the tourniquet as the factor that has complicated course of traumatic decease because of ischemic-reperfusion syndrome development. Involvement of both organs – kidney and liver has shown that in pathogenesis of posttraumatic violations progress they play significant role, especially in rets with hypovolemic shock. Conclusions. All types of our intervention have caused hypoxia – as a result of isolated bleeding and stop of blood maintaining due to haemostatic tourniquet. Among the reasons, that have activated pathological mechanisms of ischemic-reperfusion injury necessary attention should be paid to influences from toxic derivatives of rhabdomyolysis, which came into blood after limb release from tourniquet in overconcentration. Intensification of liver function was the result of protective reaction for pathogenic affecting.


ischemia-reperfusion syndrome, liver, kidney, trauma, blood loss, haemostatic tourniquet, lipid peroxidation


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Publication of the article:

«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 86-91 pages, index UDK 612.015.3-02:616.36/.61-06:616.137.87-005.4-007.271]-092/9