About the author:
Petrenko O. V., Yakovets A. I.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Glaucoma is the leading cause of irreversible blindness worldwide. The problem of developing new effective treatments for glaucoma is one of the most pressing in modern ophthalmology. Today, a promising area in the treatment of glaucoma is cell therapy using stem cells. The aim of the study was to investigate changes in the functional status of the visual analyzer using postnatal multipotent neural crest stem cells (NCSCs) in the treatment of adrenaline-induced glaucoma by visual evoked potentials on flashes. Object and methods. Studies were performed on 50 adult Wistar rats, males, comprising five groups of animals (n = 10 in each group). Glaucoma was induced in Wistar rats by intraperitoneal injections of 10 μg to 15 μg/100 g body weight of 0.18% adrenaline hydrotartrate. NCSCs were delivered intravenously (5 million cells), retrobulbarly (0.5 million cells) or parabulbarly (0.5 million cells). Visual evoked potentials on flashes were performed in four measurement periods, namely, before glaucoma modeling, after glaucoma modeling, 1 month, and 3 months after NCSCs administration in different ways. Results. NCSCs had the nestin+ p75+ Sox10+ cytokeratin- . In the study in the group of animals with the model of glaucoma without the introduction of NCSCs revealed a statistically significant increase in LPN1 (p<0.001), on average, 2.0 ms (95% CI 1.5 ms – 2.5 ms) and a statistically significant increase in LPP2 (p <0.001), on average, 1.7 ms (95% CI 1.1 ms – 2.7 ms) from I to III measurement period. There was also a decrease in the amplitude of P1-N1 – from I to II period of measurement of the decrease of the index (p<0.05), on average, by 2.3 μV (95% CI 1.8 μV – 2.9 μV) and the decrease of the amplitude index N1-P2 (p<0.05), on average, 2.4 μV (95% CI 2.1 μV – 2.7 μV); from II to IV measurement period decrease in P1-N1 amplitude (p<0.05), on average, 0.6 μV (95% CI 0.2 μV – 0.8 μV) and decrease in N1-P2 amplitude (p<0.05), on average, by 1.4 μV (95% CI 0.8 μV – 2.1 μV), compared with the group of intact animals, indicating changes in the functional status of the visual analyzer in the adrenaline model of glaucoma. After the introduction of NCSCs, an increase in the amplitude of P1-N1 and N1-P2 was observed after 1 and 3 months, which was most pronounced with parabulbar and retrobulbar administration: an increase in P1-N1 (p<0.05), on average, by 1.5 μV (95% CI 1.2 μV – 1.6 μV) and an increase of N1-P2 (p<0.05), on average, 1.75 μV (95% CI 1.6 μV – 1,85 μV) – parabulbar; an increase of P1-N1 (p<0.05), on average, 1.5 μV (95% CI 1.2 μV – 1.6 μV) and an increase of N1-P2 (p<0.05), in on average, 2.1 μV (95% CI 1.8 μV – 2.2 μV) – retrobulbar. Conclusions. In the experimental study observed the positive effect of transplantation of NCSCs in the adrenaline model of glaucoma, which was most pronounced with parabulbar and retrobulbar administration. However, further studies on the mechanisms of the effect of transplanted NCSCs on the restoration of retinal and optic nerve structure are needed.
glaucoma, multipotent stem cells, visual evoked potentials.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 143-148 pages, index UDK 617.75-036:617.7-007.681-089.844:611.08