About the author:
Chistyakova E. Ye., Smolenko N. P., Korenyeva Ye. M., Velychko N. F., Belkina I. O., Klochkov V. K.
Type of article:
Scentific article
Possibilities of application of nanoparticles composition of rare earth elements with adsorbed zinc ions for correction of experimental chronic prostatitis effects in male rats were investigated. Male rats modeled abacterial inflammation of the prostate by cryotraumatism of the ventral part using a Cryo Wartner device (manufactured by Omega Pharma International, Belgium). GdVO4 :Eu3+ size 8-10 – 25 nm in a dose of 0.3 mg/kg with Zn2+ adsorbed to the orthotoxic matrix in a dose of 2·10-6 mole in an amount of 0.5 ml per animal (group CP+NP+Zn) and a reference preparation (0.5 % Prostatilen, in a volume of 0.5 ml per animal) (group CP+prostatylen) were injected into the upper rectum with a special catheter from the 15th day after surgery for 2 weeks. Control was provided by unordered males (Control group) and those that modeled a chronic prostatitis (group CP). In dynamics, leukocytosis was determined. Studied the state of spermatogenesis, determined the mass of the genital organs. Results. The use of NP and Prostatylene for the correction of the effects of CP resulted in a decrease in the number of leukocytes by 27 and 21 %, respectively, compared with the data of males of the CP group, which may indicate a decrease in the overall inflammatory response. The development of CP in rats in groups of CP, CP+NP+Zn, CP+prostatilen was accompanied by an increase in the mass ratios of the ventral part of the prostate (by 30, 18 and 20 %, respectively) and familial vesicles (by 27, 32 and 35 %, respectively; p<0.05) compared to similar controls. Analyzing the spermograms of animals, it was found that the total concentration of sperm and their mobility in males of the CP group significantly decreased (by 41 and 38 %, respectively; p<0.05) against the background of the growth of pathological forms (2.7 times), which eventually caused a decrease in the concentration of morphologically normal sperm (45 %, p<0.05). The use of zinc NP resulted in the restoration of the percentage of motile sperm to the size of control animals, that is, normalized their motility. Animals treated with prostatilene on the background of CP had similar changes in sperm counts, but there were some differences, in particular, the number of pathological gametes in animals of this group decreased by 43 % (p<0.05) compared with that of males in the CP group. Conclusions. The experimental data obtained indicate that the use of the GdVO4: Eu3 + LF composition with zinc ions adsorbed to the orthotoxic matrix has the ability to inhibit the development of a systemic inflammatory process and to reduce the effects of prostate cryotherapy
nanoparticles of rare earth elements with zinc ions, chronic prostatitis, leukocytes, spermogram, male rats.
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Publication of the article:
«Bulletin of problems biology and medicine» Issue 2 (156), 2020 year, 184-187 pages, index UDK 616.65-002:546.655:616-08